> \relative c' { << {c c c c} \\ {R1} >> }
> In the output there is a collision between the rest of the second voice and
> the notes of the first voice.
> The right solution would be to put the rest on a ledger line and to lower it
> until no collision occures.
> Is there a reason why li
I think this is well described in the section on "Transpose", which
provides a
similar example for the case of an A clarinet. If in addition you want
the MIDI output to sound correct, you should also use \transposing (which
has nothing to do with the printed output, just the MIDI output).
I would rather recommend to set the staff-position property:
moveRestUp = \once \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #6
moveRestDown = \once \override MultiMeasureRest #'staff-position = #-6
The default in \voiceTwo (i.e. in the second voice of a <<{...} \\
{...}>> construct)
is that s
I'm writing an orchestral score out, and I have a large piece.ly file in
which all the individual instrument parts music is written out. Every
instrument's part starts with something like varInstrumentNotes = \relative
c'' { . Every part is entered with \relative c, then there are template
files f
Hi Graham,
I don't think these are bugs as such. It's got to do aligning the extender
line. If you place a spacer (s8 etc) between the figures the figures are
printed the right way.
as in the example below taken from Issue 103: if you reduce the length of
the figure to 8 and put a 's' betwe
Laura Conrad wrote:
This question refers to version 2.8.3 running on Ubuntu Linux 6.06.
I think it was posted during one of our mailing list vacations, and
may have never made it out to the list.
I think it's the same issue as
- Graham
Thanks, this has (finally) been added as
- Graham
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi, Erik:
FYI, this is probably not a minimal example.
Usually you can shrink problematic examples down to <5 lines of code
\version "2.8.4"
\layout {
Michael Kiermaier wrote:
{c'( d'^\flageolet)}
gives the warning:
Ignoring grob for slur. avoid-slur not set?
Michael: you can't get rid of this warning right now. Maybe in a future
Devel: could we set avoid-slur to something by default? If there isn't
a specific value in scm/s
Hi, Michael:
\version "2.8.6"
moveRestUp = \once \override MultiMeasureRest #'Y-offset = #4
moveRestDown = \once \override MultiMeasureRest #'Y-offset = #-5
theMusic = \relative
<< {c4 c c c} \\ { \moveRestUp R1 } >> \break
<< {c4 c c c} \\ { \moveRestDown R1 } >
it's me again.
I ran into this problem:
\relative c' { << {c c c c} \\ {R1} >> }
In the output there is a collision between the rest of the second voice and
the notes of the first voice.
The right solution would be to put the rest on a ledger line and to lower it
until no collision oc
Thanks for your reply, Markus.
I'm aware of the solution you suggested. But really I feel that the notes and
the dynamics should be together. So I would like to know if that is possible.
On Wednesday 04 October 2006 21:47, Markus Schneider wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> you could do your dy
Hi, Michael:
Does the attached do what you want?
\version "2.8.6"
theMusic = \relative
c\< << { \voiceTwo d\!} \new Voice { \voiceOne f } >>
lilypond-user mailing list
Hi Kieren,
this doesn't work for me. I get the same error message as before.
I use Lilypond 2.8.6 (latest stable).
On Wednesday 04 October 2006 22:08, you wrote:
> Hi, Michael:
> > I want to have a crescendo mark which starts within a monophonic
> > part an ends
> > within a polyphonic
\version "2.8.4"
Mac 10.39
I am trying without success to move the sustain pedal marking
horizontally. Shouldn't this be doing it?
\once\override SustainPedal #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 0.0)
\once\override Staff.SustainPedal #'extra-offset = #'(-3.0 . 0.0)
I see reference to this working
Hi David,
David Bobroff wrote:
I just downloaded and installed OOoLilyPond. I followed the
instructions on the sourceforge.net page for installation/set-up. There
were two or three differences in the sub-menus, but I think I got it
figured out. When I try to use it, though, it doesnothin
Hi, Michael:
I want to have a crescendo mark which starts within a monophonic
part an ends
within a polyphonic part. Like this (non working) example:
c\cr << {d\!} \\ {f} >>
The c should be connected to the subseeding d by a crescendo.
Short answer:
c\< << { d\! } \new Voice { f } >>
Hi Michael,
you could do your dynamics in a sperate voice altogether:
voiceI= { c << {d} \\ {f} >> }
voiceIdyn = { s\cr s\!}
\score {
\new Staff <<
\context Voice = "A" \voiceI
\context Voice = "A" \voiceIdyn
"Michael Kiermaier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> schrieb im
You may play around with \transparent, \combine and \fontsize get your
alignment right.
ppsempre =
#(make-dynamic-script (markup #:combine #:transparent "f" "pp" #:combine
#:transparent "f" #:normal-text #:italic "sempre" ) )
"Michael Kiermaier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I want to have a crescendo mark which starts within a monophonic part an ends
within a polyphonic part. Like this (non working) example:
c\cr << {d\!} \\ {f} >>
The c should be connected to the subseeding d by a crescendo.
I know that I could put the first note into the polyphonic part (like thi
When I write c_\ppsempre for example, the parts "pp" and "sempre" are aligned
at their "top line". Since the letters of "sempre" are smaller than the "pp"
letters, the base line of the both parts is not on the same vertical
On Wednesday 04 October 2006 08:50, Mats Bengtsson
I just downloaded and installed OOoLilyPond. I followed the
instructions on the sourceforge.net page for installation/set-up. There
were two or three differences in the sub-menus, but I think I got it
figured out. When I try to use it, though, it doesnothing. I
tried "Testing the Script".
Please read section "Notes for the MacOS X app" in the manual.
Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
I tried that and it doesn't. Does anyone know if the executable I'm
calling is actually the right one? I found it inside the LilyPond.app
package, and assumed it was what I needed, but maybe I'm w
I tried that and it doesn't. Does anyone know if the executable I'm calling is actually the right one? I found it inside the LilyPond.app package, and assumed it was what I needed, but maybe I'm wrong.- Original Message From: Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: Vivian Barty-Taylor <[EMAIL
I recommend that you first verify that you can run LilyPond normally
from the command line, i.e. that
lilypond.app/contents/MacOS/LilyPond lpfiles/treble.ly
(or some version of that, I don't use MacOS myself) works correctly. Ones
you have managed to do that, it's just to add the extra options you
I'm using 2.9.16 for Mac OSX.I'm trying to invoke Lilypond from the command line because I need to create SVG output.I type:lilypond.app/contents/MacOS/LilyPond -f svg lpfiles/treble.lyand Lilypond does... precisely nothing! The Terminal window I am using just hangs.I'm not a programmer, or experie
Hi Arvid,
thanks a lot! This is exactly what I was looking for!
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