I recommend that you first verify that you can run LilyPond normally
from the command line, i.e. that
lilypond.app/contents/MacOS/LilyPond lpfiles/treble.ly
(or some version of that, I don't use MacOS myself) works correctly. Ones
you have managed to do that, it's just to add the extra options you want.
By the way, I think you want
-b svg
and nothing else.


Vivian Barty-Taylor wrote:
I'm using 2.9.16 for Mac OSX.

I'm trying to invoke Lilypond from the command line because I need to create SVG output.

I type:

lilypond.app/contents/MacOS/LilyPond -f svg lpfiles/treble.ly

and Lilypond does... precisely nothing! The Terminal window I am using just hangs.

I'm not a programmer, or experienced in using UNIX systems, so appreciate I may be making a simple mistake! Any advice would be appreciated.


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