> it's easiest to add a property so you can do
> cost: 65 EUR.
Just wondering what the much simpler syntax
lilypond-user mailing list
On Mon, Aug 21, 2006 at 12:57:51PM +0200, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
> Steve D wrote:
> >Trevor Baca recently asked how one might write in LilyPond tied chords in
> >which only *some* (one or more, but not all) notes are tied to the
> >following identical chord.
> >
> >I am also interested in this, be
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
Hi, Han-Wen:
There is the keepAliveInterfaces, which you could set for each lyrics
line separately.
You should be able to do it with
\context Lyrics = "SA" \set keepAliveInterfaces = #'()
\context Lyrics = "SA" \set keepAliveInterfaces =
Hi, Han-Wen:
There is the keepAliveInterfaces, which you could set for each
lyrics line separately.
You should be able to do it with
\context Lyrics = "SA" \set keepAliveInterfaces = #'()
\context Lyrics = "SA" \set keepAliveInterfaces = #'(lyric-
to switch off/on
Steve D wrote:
Trevor Baca recently asked how one might write in LilyPond tied chords in
which only *some* (one or more, but not all) notes are tied to the
following identical chord.
I am also interested in this, because it sometimes happens in piano
music, and I would be interested in sponsorin
V!ctor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Currently, Lily assumes a glissando will always connect adjacent notes.
(The sintax works like ties in Lily, where one puts the tie command ~
after the first note)
But many times one needs the glissando to span a duration that cannot be
expressed with a single note
Kieren MacMillan wrote:
For instance, let's say I want the following systems on my page:
4 measures, 2 staves (SA + TB)
3 measures, 4 staves (S+A+T+B)
5 measures, 1 staff (SATB/unison)
I'd be able to use
global =
\time 4/4
\tagsOn { #'sa #'tb } s1*4 \break
\tagsOn { #'
I found a message in the archive (year 2004) that roughly said that you can't
write "dead note" in a TabStaff context.
All that I want is to print a cross (x) on a line of the tablature, not
hearing the corresponding sound.
Does someone found the mean to do that now?
On Friday 18 August 2006 22:39, Kieren MacMillan wrote:
> [ v2.9.14 ]
> Hello, all --
> No, this isn't Karate Kid 5! ;-)
> This is a continuation of the thread "setting up a very complex
> choral layout", with a possible feature request...
I have a different suggestion which might solve you