Kieren MacMillan wrote:
For instance, let's say I want the following systems on my page:
4 measures, 2 staves (SA + TB)
3 measures, 4 staves (S+A+T+B)
5 measures, 1 staff (SATB/unison)
I'd be able to use
global =
\time 4/4
\tagsOn { #'sa #'tb } s1*4 \break
\tagsOn { #'s #'a #'t #'b } s1*3 \break
\tagsOn { #'satb } s1*5
or [with \tagsOn not automatically turning off any tag not listed, we
need a \tagsOff, e.g.,]
> I don't think there's a way to really do this kind of thing right now in
> Lily (someone please correct me if I'm wrong!), and I think it would be
> wicked helpful. Of course, if there's an even better way of handling
> this than taking advantage of \tag, I'm open to suggestions/discussions.
There is the keepAliveInterfaces, which you could set for each lyrics
line separately. You should be able to do it with
\context Lyrics = "SA" \set keepAliveInterfaces = #'()
\context Lyrics = "SA" \set keepAliveInterfaces =
to switch off/on respectively.
I can cook up a nice music function to do it for you, in the form of
\tagsOn / \tagsOff for EUR 100, but you might want to experiment with
the bare bones first.
Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
LilyPond Software Design
-- Code for Music Notation
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