On Mon, 8 Aug 2005 00:28:51 +0200
dax2 wrote:
> \override Slur #'attachment = #'(stem . stem)
> There are NO SLURS in the voice in question!!!
The Slur - override makes sluts attach to the top of the stem
instead of going to the notehead. That way you can move the slurs
away from anot
Normally I write comments so that I can understand why things
are like this or that in the source:-)
I think there are some additions from convert-ly and others
from the Mutopiaproject-editor. That is ok with me; however, I
cannot find out from where this one comes and what might have bee
On Fri, 05 Aug 2005 10:44:44 +0200
Mats wrote:
>\midi {
> \context{
>\type "Performer_group_performer"
>\name Dynamics
> }
> \context {
> \PianoStaff
> \accepts Dynamics
> }
Thank you! The diagnosis was excellent and the warning is
Working with a couple of different LilyPond versions I
sometimes must reassure myself whether some output really was
LilyPond 2.6.x or something else.
I think it would be nice to be able to see from the PDF which
LilyPond version was used to transform the source. Though I have
grep'ed thro
Ok, I'll double-check this in my test environment and make the release.
lilypond-user mailing list
Here's how I like to set up my lyrics, but I'm sure there are many ways to do
it. Reading the manual on \lyricsto, you'll see that it alligns each syllable
with the appropriate voice. This seems to be a pretty common question. Check
out some other posts:
On 7 Aug 2005, at 14:28, Hans Aberg wrote:
The rule seems to only work when decomposing the time signature in
two parts. For example 7 = 4 + 3 works fine using
\time 7/16
#(override-auto-beam-setting '(end * * 7 16) 4 16)
But what do I write if I want to use 7 = 2 + 2 + 3 (or 13 = 4 + 4
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Both problems pointed out in this thread show a limitation in
> the handling of volta brackets. A volta bracket is only printed
> over contexts where the property voltaOnThisStaff is set to true.
> At the beginning of a score, this property is automatic
In this case adding barline checks and removing the duplicate \breaks
did not produce a break where I put it.
Graham Percival wrote:
On 6-Aug-05, at 7:41 AM, Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence wrote:
I looked it up and think that as long as the
\break is at a barline it will produ
How to apply lirycs to sopran voice?
In my example something is wrong...
\version "2.7.3"
\include "gregorian-init.ly"
sopranMusic = \relative c' {
\cadenzaOn \autoBeamOff
e8 e g g e d e4 e \virgula
e8 e g g e d e4 e \virgula \bar ""
a8 a c c a g e[ g] a4 \virgula
a8 a c
If you search the mailing list archives for "parenthesis note", for
example, you will find also several other answers, for example refering
to the example file called molecule-hacking.ly in the Regression Test
document for your LilyPond version at www.lilypond.org.
Ilaria e Massimo wrote
How do I get the \acciaccatura to end up before the automated bar
line of a measure, i.e., attached to a note immediately following the
bar line?
Hans Aberg
lilypond-user mailing list
On 7 Aug 2005, at 04:28, Graham Percival wrote:
How do I auto-beam in asymmetrical times signatures? For example,
7/16 may decompose as (2+2+3)/16, (4+3)/16, (3+2+2)/16.
You look at doc section 6.4.4 Automatic beams
You follow the link to 8.6.2 Setting automatic beam behavior
You read that
use the extra-offset property of the StringNumber object, it allows to
move it both vertically and horizontally. e.g:
\version "2.6.0"
\score {
\set fingeringOrientations = #'(up)
\set stringNumberOrientations = #'(down)
\set Staff.instrument = "C Major"
\clef treble
To set the text for TextSpanner, one does
\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'("foo" . " ")
How can you use \markup{ foo } instead of "foo" ? Judging from
11.2.1 Markup construction in scheme, I thought that this would work
\override TextSpanner #'edge-text = #'( (markup "foo") . "")
Zbyněk Burget writes:
> some time ago I was communicate directly with you - I thought that my
> mail is off-topic for mailing list - my question was I intended as
> platform dependent and technical info...
No problem, but anything technical and lilypond-related is on-topic on
the mailing list.
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