Here's how I like to set up my lyrics, but I'm sure there are many ways to do 
it.  Reading the manual on \lyricsto, you'll see that it alligns each syllable 
with the appropriate voice.  This seems to be a pretty common question.  Check 
out some other posts:


\version "2.6.0"
\include ""

sopranMusic = \relative c' {
   \cadenzaOn \autoBeamOff \voiceOne
   e8 e g g e d e4 e \virgula
   e8 e g g e d e4 e \virgula \bar ""
   a8 a c c a g e[ g] a4 \virgula
   a8 a c c a g e[ g] a4 \virgula \bar ""
   e8 e g g e d e4 e \virgula
   e8 e g g e d e4 e \virgula \bar "|" \cadenzaOff

altMusic = \relative c' {
   \cadenzaOn \voiceTwo
   c4 d c b2
   d8 c b4 c b2 \bar ""
   e4 g e8 d c d e4
   f4 g e c8 d e4 \bar ""
   b4 d c b2
   d8 c d4 c b2 \bar "|" \cadenzaOff

tenorMusic = \relative c' {
   \clef bass \cadenzaOn \voiceOne
   g4( g) a( a) g \virgula
   g4( g) a( a) g \virgula \bar ""
   c4 e c8 b a b c4 \virgula
   c4( c) b a8 b c4 \virgula \bar ""
   g4( g) a( a) g \virgula
   g4( g) a( a) g \virgula \bar "|" \cadenzaOff

bassMusic = \relative c {
   \clef bass \cadenzaOn \voiceTwo
   c4 b a8 f' e2
   c4 e f e2 \bar ""
   a2 e a8 g
   f4 e( e) a a, \bar ""
   e'4 b a8 f' e2
   c4 b a8 f' e2 \bar "|" \cadenzaOff

tekst = \lyricmode {
   Pa -- nie, zmi -- łuj się nad na -- mi,
   Pa -- nie, zmi -- łuj się nad na -- mi.
   Chry -- ste, zmi -- łuj się nad na -- mi,
   Chry -- ste, zmi -- łuj się nad na -- mi.
   Pa -- nie, zmi -- łuj się nad na -- mi,
   Pa -- nie, zmi -- łuj się nad na -- mi.

\score {
       \context Staff = "upper" 
                        \clef treble
                        \context Voice = "one"  \sopranMusic
                        \context Voice = "two"  \altMusic
        \lyricsto "one" \new Lyrics {
        \context Staff = "lower" <<
                        \clef bass
                        \context Voice = "one" \tenorMusic
                        \context Voice = "two" \bassMusic

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