LSR under 2.6.0

2005-07-09 Thread Sebastiano Vigna
LSR is now happily running Lilypond 2.6.0. So snippets can (and must) now use the new syntax. -- Ciao, seba ___ lilypond-user mailing list

Lilypond 2.6 on Windows 98

2005-07-09 Thread Michael Kirchner
Hi, I read in the FAQ: boxquote1: On Windows 95, 98 and ME there are problems with the Cygwin Python package, which may hamper the unencumbered operation of LilyPond (see python fails testsuite). LilyPond itself should be usable, but clicking on a .ly file to produce a PDF, lilypond-book, and mid

Re: Install and Running Windows Native 2.6.0

2005-07-09 Thread Jay Hamilton, Sound and Silence
Trent- I had the same confusion and someone named Scott directed me to the command prompt which you can get to via the start menu then run then type cmd then a window opens and you cd to the place where the file and are and then it's filename that should do the trick. Jay

Re: Install and Running Windows Native 2.6.0

2005-07-09 Thread Han-Wen Nienhuys
Trent J wrote: P.S. Someone contacted my a while ago about beefing up the figured bass mode in lilypond. I would still like this to happen but never received any contact back after answering their email. Hi, If I recall correctly, your main objections were 1 long hyphens between figures 2

Malformed output from lilypond-book 2.6.0

2005-07-09 Thread Nicholas Haggin
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Greetings, all. Version 2.6.0 of lilypond-book is giving me odd output on a project that had previously worked just fine: You will note the incorrect vertical placement of system