Trent- I had the same confusion and someone named Scott directed me to
the command prompt which you can get to via the start menu then run then
type cmd then a window opens and you cd to the place where the file and are and then it's filename
that should do the trick.
Trent J wrote:
Good Afternoon all,
I have just install the native Lilypond 2.6.0 and am currently having
diffulty in accessing all the features of the program. First of all I
discovered that installing the program in the usually "Program Files"
directory causes problems later on because of the space in the folder
names. I sorted this out by installing it in just c:\lilypond the drag
drop feature works fine now.
But my problems come after trying to do anything besides the drag the
file over to the lilypond icon and produce a PDF.
1: How do you run the convert-ly program? Ms-Dos shell recognises no
2: How do you change the default lilypad editor??
3: The VIM files also seem to be missing from this release.
There seems to be no Windows specific documentation so I have no idea
how to get everything up and running.
Any help would be appreciated.
P.S. Someone contacted my a while ago about beefing up the figured
bass mode in lilypond. I would still like this to happen but never
received any contact back after answering their email.
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