Re: group music per measure

2004-11-17 Thread Ferenc Wagner
Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: >> >>> Nicolas Sceaux writes: >>> This is absolutely useless >>> >>> This is absolutely fantastic. (Certain) users have been requesting >>> this for year

inputencoding = "TeX" national characters with Re: T1 encoding

2004-11-17 Thread Albert Einstein
I've checked command: inputencoding = "TeX" and lilypond gives errors: tex.def not define. This is good idea because I know that I can write Polish characters for example as follows: \'s -- from LaTeX introduction in directory \lshort-polish on page 23. Albert Bertalan Fodor wrote: In 2.4.2 u

Re: group music per measure

2004-11-17 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > >> Nicolas Sceaux writes: >> >>> This is absolutely useless >> >> This is absolutely fantastic. (Certain) users have been requesting >> this for years, it is AFAIK one of the big perceived advantages of M

Re: group music per measure

2004-11-17 Thread Nicolas Sceaux
Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > Nicolas Sceaux writes: > >> This is absolutely useless > > This is absolutely fantastic. (Certain) users have been requesting > this for years, it is AFAIK one of the big perceived advantages of MUP > over Lily. > > Would it be feasible to add lyric

Re: T1 encoding and feta20.afm error

2004-11-17 Thread Albert Einstein
My profile file wasn't overwritten -- is has date 5 November and today is 17. I've check also export TEXMF='{/usr/share/lilypond/2.4.2,/usr/share/texmf}' in home\admin\.bshrc -- nothing changes. Albert Mats Bengtsson wrote: This should definitely not be necessary. As described in some earlier

Re: T1 encoding and feta20.afm error

2004-11-17 Thread Mats Bengtsson
This should definitely not be necessary. As described in some earlier emails in the mailing list, you may have play some tricks with the TEXMF variable if you already have TeXLive or some other TeX installation in Windows that sets the environment variable. However, in that case it is better to jus

RE: T1 encoding and feta20.afm error

2004-11-17 Thread James Moore
I had a similar problem when I upgraded to 2.4 lilypond under cygwin. Turned out that there was an environment variable problem. I added this to my .bashrc file: export TEXMF='{/usr/share/lilypond/2.4.2,/usr/share/texmf}' and lilypond was happy. Interestingly, lilypond worked just fine when I r

T1 encoding and feta20.afm error

2004-11-17 Thread Albert Einstein
To display Polish characters I've declared in header field according to Mat Bengtsson's suggestions as follows: ` \header { fontencoding = "T1" inputencoding = "cp1250" ' I have installed also tetex-base package according to mail of Mat Bengtsson: 'If you run cygwin, you probably have installed

$BL$(J$B>5(J$BBz(J$B9-(J$B9p(J$B"((J5 000$B1_(J$B$G(J$B3+(J$B6H(J$B$7(J$B$^(J$B$;(J$B$s(J$B$+(J$B!*(J

2004-11-17 Thread akinaisuki5
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solucion ecologica a ratas (hanta) - murcielagos (rabia) - conejos (jardin)

2004-11-17 Thread Problema Comun
Aviso   PARA PROBLEMAS COMUNES Ratas (hantavirus) Lauchas Murcielagos (rabia) Pericotes Conejos   UNA SOLUCION ECOLOGICA NO COMUN Desratizador Ultrasonico “Gato  Electronico” informacion click AQU

Re: Web page documentation

2004-11-17 Thread Bryan Stanbridge
>I was just wondering how many people use the web-page version of the >LilyPond documentation on Windows? The thing is, on Windows it is more >convienient to use the pdf version and could mean that only this bit of the >documentation needs to be built and distributed. However, hyperlinking the >ta

Re: ties over non-tied notes

2004-11-17 Thread Maurizio Tomasi
Francois Planiol-Auger wrote: Hi List! I need ties over other notes, as a simplified notation. In my case it would be right to use for every note that is hold a new voice, I try to explain it in a console-graphical way: _| _||| s2 | |||e2

ties over non-tied notes

2004-11-17 Thread Francois Planiol-Auger
Hi List! I need ties over other notes, as a simplified notation. In my case it would be right to use for every note that is hold a new voice, I try to explain it in a console-graphical way: _| _||| s2 | |||e2% last tone r4 | r8 | r8