Re: Removing MIDI Dynamics

2004-05-24 Thread David Raleigh Arnold
On Saturday 22 May 2004 01:05 am, J. Garcia wrote: > Is there now any way to remove all dynamics from a > MIDI file? The > \translator { \remove "Dynamic_performer" } > trick doesn't seem to work anymore. I know this > question has been posted before, but didn't receive > any response. Sounds l

Re: triplet question

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Joerg Anders wrote: Hi all! Please excuse a rather music theoretical question: Is it possible a triplet oversteps the measure end ? Regard this example: \notes\relative c' { \clef violin \time 4/4 g'8 b2 \times 2/3 { g4 a b } f8 g2. } It were nice if anybody could say: "Very seld

Re: problem with Ties in midi

2004-05-24 Thread Roland Goretzki
Hello list, hello Erik, You wrote: > This is a known bug, which hopefully will be fixed pretty soon (fyi, the bug's > name in our bug database is midi-tie). Thank You for the information! :-) Best Regards Roland -- The difference between theory and practice is that: in theory, ther

Re: MIDI and tremolo

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Julien Salort wrote: Julien Salort <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: It outputs correctly in the dvi file but not in the MIDI file... I'm responding to myself. According to it seems that one needs to use « \applymusic #unfold-repeats »

[no subject]

2004-05-24 Thread Hendrik
Hello, So, once again my problem: managed to install Cygwin now, with Lilypond. Now when I (double) click the file, bash opens, blinks a while, flashes some text I don't have the time to read, and disappears. I don't get any output, and can't find a .log file anywhere. What is going wr

Re: Some questions from a novice

2004-05-24 Thread Arvid Grøtting
Mats Bengtsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: > - It's also a good habit to write one bar per line in the input >file. This is often cited as a good habit, but it's one I always break these days. Me, I prefer writing one line of the original manuscript per line in the input file; that way, I ge

Re: Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote: I actually forgot to give you the real input (I've already erased my figured bass attempt...). Here is what I wrote : > ... \context Voice \new Staff { I'm not sure what you tried to do here, but if you change it to \new Staff { I'm sure you'll get r

Re: Generating a piece with more than one movement

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I cannot find the relevant entry in the manual, but I'm sure it's described there somewhere. Anyway, the simple solution is to make a new \score{...} for each new movement. LilyPond will not typeset the full title again, but if you add a \header{...} section to each score like \score{ ... \head

Re: Lyrics, Tab, Titles - simple questions

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
se.e wrote: Hi all! I'm a new Lilypond user and I've some very simple questions for you. 1) Titles -- I have: tagline= "copyright©2004" Why in the .pdf '©' is only a 'c' (there's no circle)? This don't works with '®' too. It works fine here. I hope you use a text editor that saves the file in lati

Re: custom header

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Aaron wrote: Hi all, I would like to know if it is possible to change the header names: 1. I would like to change the name to another language instead of title (ketorit) etc. LilyPond just passes the fields as variables to LaTeX that does the actual typesetting. So, to do the change you could edit

Kneed cue notes

2004-05-24 Thread Ruud van Silfhout
Hi, I am currently typesetting a piece for SATB. Each voice (S,A,T,B) consists a separate staff with accompanying lyrics. In the tenor and bass staff some cue notes are shown which are actually played by an organ. So the cue notes are kneed over those two staffs. Is this possible with lily? And

Re: Réf. : Re: figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
I can't see any figured bass in this example (nor do I get any extra staves when I compile it). Regarding your problem with false durations in the manuscript; if you really want to keep them in the printed output, you can still "correct" them in the eyes of LilyPond, to make it easier to synchroniz

Re: appoggiatura and clef woes

2004-05-24 Thread Stan Sanderson
On May 24, 2004, at 3:56 AM, Erik Sandberg wrote: On Monday 24 May 2004 04.30, Stan Sanderson wrote: Erik- I'm looking for a workaround for another bug reported earlier. Acciaccaturas before 32nd note runs apparently throw off the midi timing. This bug was added to our bug database (& you will be n

Re: LilyPond not workin... (take 3...)

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
It looks as if the setup.exe program has failed to install all the necessary packets in Cygwin. Often it helps to just rerun setup.exe once again. Make sure that the packages tetex-tiny, tetex-bin and python are selected (they should be but it seems that Cygwin has had some problems with the setup.

Re: Little Question!

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
All the titling is typeset using LaTeX, which means that you can add any LaTeX commands you wish to the different header fields. For example, the 'title' field is typeset in \huge font size by default. If you want to reduce that, try title = "\\large My Title" or even title = "\\normalsize My Title

Réf. : Re: Réf. : Re: figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
I actually forgot to give you the real input (I've already erased my figured bass attempt...). Here is what I wrote : \score { \notes << \new Staff { \property Score.timing = ##f \time 2/2 \key c \major \clef "petrucci_c3"

Re: to embed

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
If you consider a web server where the users also can run lilypond on the files, I hope you have thought about the possible security problems. There is a flag --safe-mode to lilypond, but you should be aware of that it (at least not yet) provides full security. /Mats Aaron wrote: Hi all, I am lo

Réf. : Re: figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Here is my score : a first staff for the viol, and a second one for the ficured bass. I've used the \property Score.timing = ##f to avoid any pb with measure spacing (lots of false duration in the original) \score { \notes << \new Staff { \property Score.timing = ##f

Re: figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
It would be much easier to answer your question if we saw your file, at least the \score{...} part of it. Do you, by chance, have a construct like << some property settings \new Staff{ ... } >> in your score? In that case, just move the property settings into the \new Staff{...} to solve the pr

Re: Rolls and ruffs

2004-05-24 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote: As you noticed, I know nothing about drum notation and I think this goes also for the main hackers of LilyPond. So, any input you have on suggestions are welcome, not the least if you can assist yourself with the implementation. I know C++, LISP and TeX, so maybe... If I find

Re: Rolls and ruffs

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
As you noticed, I know nothing about drum notation and I think this goes also for the main hackers of LilyPond. So, any input you have on suggestions are welcome, not the least if you can assist yourself with the implementation. Peter Mogensen wrote: Mats Bengtsson wrote: Did you try the following?

Re: Rolls and ruffs

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Did you try the following? \time 6/8 c'8 r c8:32 ~ c8 c c | c4.:32 ~ c4.:32 ~ | c8 r c:32 ~ c c c | c4.:32 ~ c4 c8:32 ~ | c8 r c \acciaccatura d c r c For the MIDI output, it's possible to unfold tremolo repeats as shown in

Re: Cannot find voice

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Ferenc Wagner wrote: Doug Asherman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: Ferenc Wagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes: I get warning: cannot find Voice: choir when compiling the attached file. The output nevertheless seems good. The warning disappears if I comment out the \set command. Where should I put i

figured bass

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
I'm trying, with Lilypond 2.0, to create a figured bass, using \context FiguredBass and \figures, just as it is shown in the manual, but when I run Lilypond, it creates automatically a new staff betwenn my melody and my bass. Does anyone know what to do ? Thanks !

adding new musical signs

2004-05-24 Thread LEGRAND Jean-Marc
Hi everybody ! I'm trying to copy with Lilypond somme ancient music (Pieces for the viol by Marin MARAIS), and I have to use somme specific musical marks, such as horizontal and vertical tremolos, cross before a note, and left oriented stems. Is it possible to create marks and use them in Lilypo

triplet question

2004-05-24 Thread Joerg Anders
Hi all! Please excuse a rather music theoretical question: Is it possible a triplet oversteps the measure end ? Regard this example: \notes\relative c' { \clef violin \time 4/4 g'8 b2 \times 2/3 { g4 a b } f8 g2. } It were nice if anybody could say: "Very seldom, practically

Re: Rolls and ruffs

2004-05-24 Thread Peter Mogensen
Mats Bengtsson wrote: Did you try the following? \time 6/8 c'8 r c8:32 ~ c8 c c | c4.:32 ~ c4.:32 ~ | c8 r c:32 ~ c c c | c4.:32 ~ c4 c8:32 ~ | c8 r c \acciaccatura d c r c Yes. But it doesn't give the result I'm looking for. It's _looks_ like the wanted engraving, but it's not perfect.

Re: Some questions from a novice

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Nikolai Kirsebom wrote: Hi. I have LilyPond 1.6.5. installed (Cygwin) and have tried it for the first time. Look nice, spent quite some time to get things working out. I have some questions, things I'm not able to find out how to 'implement'. As has already pointed out, please upgrade to version

Re: Changing staff brackets in InnerChoirStaff

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
As you said yourself, you want to change the style of the InnerChoirStaff context, so why not do the setting for that context and not for the ChoirStaff context: \translator{ \InnerChoirStaffContext SystemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace } /Mats Keith Dunsire wrote: I would like to chang

Re: Miscellaneous quesiotns

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
LEGRAND Jean-Marc wrote: Hi everybody ! Bonjour tout le monde ! Very glad to reach this mailing list : I've beginning with Lilypond2.0 since 3 months, and discovered some tricks on my own, but I still very depend on what you know about it ! So, a few questions : 1. I'd like to edit some of my mu

Re: no line break in lilypond-book

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Hi, This is a bug in the new version of lilypond-book that comes with LilyPond version 2.2. It seems to me that the LaTeX support in the new lilypond-book was almost untested before the release. /Mats Ulrich wrote: Hi, I tried lilypond-book. But there are no line breaks by default when the not

Re: Note problems

2004-05-24 Thread Mats Bengtsson
Jan Kohnert wrote: Am Samstag, 22. Mai 2004 06:49 schrieb Jim Sabatke: I've just spent about 16 hours straight trying to get some bagpipe music to print out properly. I've used the lilypond as a starting point. I am also trying to expand the grace note groupings required. The immediat

Re: appoggiatura and clef woes

2004-05-24 Thread Erik Sandberg
On Monday 24 May 2004 04.30, Stan Sanderson wrote: > Erik- > > I'm looking for a workaround for another bug reported earlier. > Acciaccaturas before 32nd note runs apparently throw off the midi > timing. This bug was added to our bug database (& you will be notified when it's fixed). Since this i

Re: MIDI and tremolo

2004-05-24 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Julien Salort writes: > I suppose this means that I should have two lilypond source files, one > for the printed output and one for the MIDI output. I think you almost always need a separate/specialised MIDI score block, yes. -- Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU LilyPond - The music t

Re: TortoiseCVS access to lilypond archive. Any experiences?

2004-05-24 Thread Jan Nieuwenhuizen
Ruud van Silfhout writes: > I just installed TotoiseCVS Any particular reason for not using plain cygwin CVS? You may want to look at the cygwin archives for building lilypond, esp. the -x/-X option to mount for long command lines (iirc). Jan. -- Jan Nieuwenhuizen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | GNU Li

custom header

2004-05-24 Thread Aaron
Hi all, I would like to know if it is possible to change the header names: 1. I would like to change the name to another language instead of title (ketorit) etc. 2. In the english headers to change or the header names to other names. 3. The ability to add my own header names. Thanks Aaron __