All the titling is typeset using LaTeX, which means that you can
add any LaTeX commands you wish to the different header fields.
For example, the 'title' field is typeset in \huge font size by
default. If you want to reduce that, try
title = "\\large My Title"
or even
title = "\\normalsize My Title"

To learn more about available commands in LaTeX, take a look at
some introductory text such as "The not so short introduction to
LaTeX2e". You have it included in your installation of teTeX, just
type the command
texdoc lshort
to view the document.

If you want to make larger changes to the layout to the titling or
page layout, I recommend to use lilypond-book, which gives you full
freedom to design it as you wish, using LaTeX.


Marcos Press wrote:
Hi. First of all, I'm sorry if my english it's not clear, but I'm not english speaker and less writer.

I start using LilyPond a month ago, and it feels great realy great. But I have a problem with the \header block. I coudn't find how to format the text in it. I want, for example, to reduce the font size, and I coudn't find how.
As you (developers of LilyPond), I'm very interested in making my scores look great and confortable to readers, and I think that having a way of making everything formated it's the way. That's why I chose LiliPond. But, how do I format the score in the paper? (some information about this I found)
and, how do I format the \header block?

Thank you!!


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