2011/7/29 :
>> Aww, i was so proud of this code...
> :-)
>> Frankly, i don't think we will gain anything from defining
>> a global value. The algorithm i wrote is a bit complicated,
>> but i thinks is easier to understand than what you suggest
>> (if i understood your suggestion correctly).
Aww, i was so proud of this code...
Frankly, i don't think we will gain anything from defining
a global value. The algorithm i wrote is a bit complicated,
but i thinks is easier to understand than what you suggest
(if i understood your suggestion correctly). It keeps
things in one place
A pdf proof file is attached to tracker issue
http://code.google.com/p/lilypond/issues/detail?id=1767 The gap in
smallest font sizes was reduced according to Bertrand's suggestion, and
the line height was increased just a bit according to my friend's
I don't feel strong about these ch
File mf/feta-noteheads.mf (right):
mf/feta-noteheads.mf:181: % when there is an interval of fourth.
Wouldn't it be simpler to explicitly specify the line
Reviewers: ,
breve glyphs in Feta font need modification.
What is bad now: breves lying between the stafflines form a
hard-to-recognize clump, partly because the corners (marked in orange