Hi Werner,
Unfortunately, I'll have to decline for now. School is picking up around
here--there's only a couple weeks left in the semester, and I'd like to
make sure I keep that commitment first. I don't think I'll have the time
to learn to put together a PDF like that until finals are over. (
Hello Owen,
> Attached is a spreadsheet with my plans for naming the Clef, Time
> Signature, Number, and Accidental glyph categories, as enumerated at
> http://lilypond.org/doc/v2.23/Documentation/notation/the-emmentaler-font.
> The SMuFL names were taken from the Standard Music Font Layout
> S
Thanks for the suggestion, Abraham!
I'd already considered that route last summer (I probably should have
mentioned before--this comes out of last year's Google Summer of Code),
but I soon realized that it would be better to go by name.
SMuFL assigns a certain set of "recommended glyphs" to s
This is great, Owen! One thing to keep in mind is that most applications
don’t access glyphs by name like LilyPond does. They access by codepoint.
So, in the vein of making Emmentaler SMuFL compliant, codepoint will be
more import than name. You may already be taking this into account, but if
Hi all!
I've been working on matching Emmentaler's glyphs to SMuFL glyph names,
and I'd appreciate some input on what I have so far.
Attached is a spreadsheet with my plans for naming the Clef, Time
Signature, Number, and Accidental glyph categories, as enumerated at