Thanks for the suggestion, Abraham!

I'd already considered that route last summer (I probably should have mentioned before--this comes out of last year's Google Summer of Code), but I soon realized that it would be better to go by name.

SMuFL assigns a certain set of "recommended glyphs" to specific codepoints in the 0xE000 block, which is all well and good. But it also leaves 0xF400-0xF8FF as a catchall range for any extra glyphs SMuFL hasn't defined.

In order to keep track of those extra glyphs, which aren't guaranteed a stable codepoint, SMuFL requires that every extra glyph receive a name as well. This way, the same extra glyph can be identified across different fonts, even if their codepoints are different.

This means that, even if I were to assign every glyph by codepoint, I'd still also have to somehow specify the names of the extra glyphs. And since codepoint is no reliable indicator of identity for them, I figured it better to just define every glyph by its name (which is much more human-readable anyway) and then convert the name into a codepoint later on with a script.

A portion of my work on last year's Google Summer of Code project will make this conversion automatically. If the glyph's already a SMuFL-recommended glyph, off it goes to its own particular codepoint. If it's not, the glyph is placed in the next available spot in the 0xF400 block and the name-codepoint association is stored in a SMuFL-compliant metadata file. Part of this is actually on hold as a draft merge request here: (The metadata file generation, also from last summer, will hopefully come soon afterwards.)

And just in case it's not clear, this does not change the font's actual glyphname, which will remain as it is. It's just adding the extra SMuFL name to a couple fields in a metadata file that other SMuFL-compliant programs will recognize.


On 4/8/2021 4:02 PM, Abraham Lee wrote:
This is great, Owen! One thing to keep in mind is that most applications don’t access glyphs by name like LilyPond does. They access by codepoint. So, in the vein of making Emmentaler SMuFL compliant, codepoint will be more import than name. You may already be taking this into account, but if not, aside from name mapping, you ought to consider how the glyphs should be remapped to the SMuFL code points. LilyPond doesn’t care if the glyphs even have a codepoint. I’ve created numerous fonts with extra symbols that don’t have a codepoint at all and it works wonderfully.

That all said, I’d recommend this: use LilyPond’s recognized names, use SMuFL code points. That may simplify the effort somewhat.

Keep up the awesome work!


On Thu, Apr 8, 2021 at 3:00 PM Owen Lamb < <>> wrote:

    Hi all!

    I've been working on matching Emmentaler's glyphs to SMuFL glyph
    and I'd appreciate some input on what I have so far.

    Attached is a spreadsheet with my plans for naming the Clef, Time
    Signature, Number, and Accidental glyph categories, as enumerated at

    The SMuFL names were taken from the Standard Music Font Layout
    Specification, v1.4, found at
    <>, under
    the Glyph Tables heading.

    I'm looking especially for input from folks who have experience
    with the
    Stockhausen accidental system, as well as whoever knows the
    behind and usage of our accidentals.mirroredflat.backslash and
    accidentals.flatflat.slash glyphs. Everyone's advice is welcome,

    If all goes well, this message will be the first of several like
    it, as
    I determine what to name every Emmentaler glyph under the SMuFL

    (As a reminder, this will /not/ override the current glyph naming
    scheme; it /will /be providing an alternate way of locating glyphs
    within LilyPond and give other programs a way to access Emmentaler's
    glyphs via the SMuFL system.)

    After a few days, if no one's made any objections, I'll move on to
    next few glyph categories.


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