Hi all,
Just wanted to give a quick half-update. I sent a message to the W3C
mailing list about the rotated arpeggio glyphs, so that should move
along soon.
I also discovered I'd missed a treasure trove of pre-encoded ornaments
in SMuFL! Things are matching up quite nicely now. There's just
>> * About the rotated wiggle glyphs in Bravura: Do you have any idea
>> why this is so? If not, can you please ask the SMuFL people? It
>> looks definitely wrong to me! They should either correct the
>> font or provide glyph name aliases for horizontal typesetting
>> (assuming that glyp
Hi Werner,
* about `trill_element` vs. `trillelement`: This was changed by Han-Wen in
commit c49e0fd544f (dated 2004) without any log messages. It looks
like an oversight that `trillelement` wasn't removed then.
Good to know! I'll put a further investigation/usage poll on the list of
> After a rather long hiatus, here's the next batch of glyphs (Script
> glyphs): https://wolfgangsta.github.io/emmentaler-bravura/. [...]
Again many thanks for your investigations.
* about signum congruentiae: I agree with you that the exact shape is
not significant since the variety of this
Hi all!
After a rather long hiatus, here's the next batch of glyphs (Script
glyphs): https://wolfgangsta.github.io/emmentaler-bravura/. There are a
couple oddities regarding arpeggios, trills, and the "signum
congruentiae" that warrant attention. If you have time, please check
them out and gi