On 29-Apr-05, at 12:44 AM, Han-Wen Nienhuys wrote:
Op do, 28-04-2005 te 17:38 -0700, schreef Graham Percival:
I'm proposing that we add a chapter (to become the new chapter 4)
demonstrates practical examples of lilypond. For example,
We went away from commented wordy examples in the tutori
Another good thing, could be to just let a relatively experienced lily user
typeset a piece in practise, and write a pretty detailed document (or log)
about how he/she does this. This could be useful as a suggestion of how the
entire typesetting procedure can look like. It could also be a way of
I think many people would find useful to read how to format the title font and
lyrics font. Lilypond has a great score output but I think users want to
personalize their text in order to distinguish from other scores and give it
a personal style. This is my case. Now that lilypond supports TTF f
Op do, 28-04-2005 te 17:38 -0700, schreef Graham Percival:
> I'm proposing that we add a chapter (to become the new chapter 4) which
> demonstrates practical examples of lilypond. For example,
> \header{
>title = \markup \center-align < "Title first line" "Title second
> line, longer" >
I'm proposing that we add a chapter (to become the new chapter 4) which
demonstrates practical examples of lilypond. For example,
title = \markup \center-align < "Title first line" "Title second
line, longer" >
subsubtitle = #(string-append "subsubtitle LilyPond version "