Op do, 28-04-2005 te 17:38 -0700, schreef Graham Percival:
> I'm proposing that we add a chapter (to become the new chapter 4) which
> demonstrates practical examples of lilypond.  For example,
> \header{
>    title = \markup \center-align < "Title first line" "Title second 
> line, longer" >
>    subsubtitle = #(string-append "subsubtitle LilyPond version " 
> (lilypond-version))
>    composer =  \markup \center-align < "composer" \small "(1847-1973)" >
> }
> All this information is present in the manual somewhere, but beginners 
> may
> have difficulty putting it together.  This kind of doc has been 
> requested
> numerous times, and most people who start to write their own lilypond
> tutorial want to do this kind of thing.  The idea is to have three or 
> four
> complicated but short examples (maybe 20 lines each), with wordy
> explanations for each line.  Basically, it's an Advanced Tutorial.

We went away from commented wordy examples in the tutorial (a long time
ago, I believe for 1.4 or 1.6), because we felt they weren't clear
enough. Perhaps, in this case, the actual documentation of titling,
markup and header should first be revised so it shows more examples and
is clearer?  The basic problem with complex examples, is that they're
difficult to read if you don't already know what they say.

Han-Wen Nienhuys - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
LilyPond Software Design - http://www.lilypond-design.com

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