On 5/7/10 3:35 PM, "Neil Puttock" wrote:
> I only have Gardner Read to hand, and he says the following:
> "The initial letter of the term (usually a capital) customarily is
> aligned over the meter signature, or notational element of the measure, such as noteheads, accidentals,
> repeat s
On 6 May 2010 20:16, Xavier Scheuer wrote:
> I'm not a developer but does this mean that:
> 1. the "break-align" support is ready for MetronomeMark,
> 2. but that the PATCH has not been applied because MetronomeMark
> used to align on note columns (this means the notes, right?)
> 3. and
Hi everybody!
Thanks to recent "bumps" about issue 684 "Enhancement: MetronomeMark
should support break-align-symbols":
– on -devel by Kieren:
– on bug- by Graham: