On Sat, 2 Feb 2008, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
I have worked today on a draft, simple incipit engraver, with clef,
key signature and time signature. Might someone comment on it? I have
no experience with that part of the code. If something can be made
more eleguant, please speak :-)
> "Nicolas" == Nicolas Sceaux <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Nicolas> I have worked today on a draft, simple incipit engraver, with clef,
Nicolas> key signature and time signature. Might someone comment on it?
The incipits I use also have the first note.
Laura (mailto:[EMAIL PROTE
Reinhold Kainhofer:
> Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2008 schrieb Nicolas Sceaux:
> > When typesetting ancient music, one may want to produce two editions:
> > eventually one with original clefs, as found in the manuscripts, and an
> > other one with new fashioned clefs. It is also custom in the later case
Le 2 févr. 08 à 20:31, Juergen Reuter a écrit :
Maybe creating an incipit engraver, reading new context properties,
like incipitKeySignature, incipitTimeSignature, etc, and creating a
grob of the same nature as the instrument name.
Yes, this idea definitely sounds very reasonable! Still,
On Sat, 2 Feb 2008, Nicolas Sceaux wrote:
Anyway, wouldn't it be nicer to have some kind of scheme macro that expands
to code that prints an incipit? Your "first clef" could then be just part
of the incipit that the macro creates. And maybe the clef's name either
could passed as argum
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Am Freitag, 1. Februar 2008 schrieb Nicolas Sceaux:
> When typesetting ancient music, one may want to produce two editions:
> eventually one with original clefs, as found in the manuscripts, and an
> other one with new fashioned clefs. It is also custo
Nicolas Sceaux:
> \tag does not solve the first-clef detection problem, but the two
> editions problem, about which the proposed patch is not about.
> I know about \tag,
I also find \tag messy and there is no "else" part either.
> > Anyway, wouldn't it be nicer to have some kind of sche
> David Fedoruk wrote 02 February 2008 05:30
(to -user)
> The "Piano Centered Dynamics" template in
> particular is overwhelming.
> Perhaps separating the pedal performer out from
> the rest would make
> this template less overwhelming.
Piano-centered dynamics are very commonly required
Le 2 févr. 08 à 01:48, Juergen Reuter a écrit :
Hmmh, maybe I do not understand correctly, but wouldn't it be
possible to get equivalent behavior with tagged music? I mean, put
both \clef commands ('\clef "soprano"' and '\clef "treble"') into
the code, put different tags on each of them,