[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: vcl/quartz

2014-05-09 Thread Stephan Bergmann
vcl/quartz/ctlayout.cxx |3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit 51030a1a5e06cd22de7676715ae65f37e6ad5548 Author: Stephan Bergmann Date: Fri May 9 09:17:25 2014 +0200 Handle all-space corner case Change-Id: I07981a63a30ac3d610be03e736188a6539

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: helpcontent2

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
helpcontent2 |2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit 8610d063c76e4060fcd02560ec89f01e7b7109ff Author: Caolán McNamara Date: Fri May 9 09:27:20 2014 +0100 Updated core Project: help 679ee563257a53b03eaf7ac75c79426a4d70befb diff --git a/helpconten

[Libreoffice-commits] help.git: helpers/help_hid.lst source/text

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
helpers/help_hid.lst |2 -- source/text/shared/autopi/01170200.xhp |5 +++-- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) New commits: commit 679ee563257a53b03eaf7ac75c79426a4d70befb Author: Caolán McNamara Date: Fri May 9 09:27:20 2014 +0100 update help ids

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - comphelper/Library_comphelper.mk comphelper/source extensions/source extensions/uiconfig extensions/UIConfig_sabpilot.mk include/comphelper sc/Library_sc.mk

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
comphelper/Library_comphelper.mk |1 comphelper/source/misc/ihwrapnofilter.cxx | 112 - extensions/UIConfig_sabpilot.mk|1 extensions/source/abpilot/abpresid.hrc | 16 - extensions/source/abpilot/abspilot.src

RE: fdo77985 Calc function NETWORKDAYS

2014-05-09 Thread Winfried Donkers
Hi Eike, >Rather implement an ODFF compliant NETWORKDAYS function at the interpreter >that shares implementation with ScNetWorkdays_MS() (syntax and semantics are >equal, aren't they? I didn't look up now) and rename the Add-In one to >NETWORKDAYS_ADD, note that this will also need adapting the

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 11 commits - basctl/source idl/source sal/qa sd/qa sfx2/source svx/source sw/source

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
basctl/source/basicide/baside2b.cxx |2 +- idl/source/objects/slot.cxx |2 +- idl/source/objects/types.cxx |2 +- sal/qa/checkapi/strings.cxx |4 ++-- sal/qa/osl/module/osl_Module_DLL.cxx |4 ++-- sd/qa/unit/import-tests.cxx

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Takeshi Abe
sc/source/ui/view/viewfun4.cxx | 20 ++-- sc/source/ui/view/viewfun5.cxx | 21 ++--- sc/source/ui/view/viewfunc.cxx | 13 ++--- sc/source/ui/view/viewutil.cxx |6 +++--- 4 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-) New commits: commit 63297c

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 13 commits - sal/textenc sc/source sd/source starmath/source sw/source vcl/source

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
sal/textenc/handleundefinedunicodetotextchar.cxx |2 sc/source/ui/app/scmod.cxx |2 sd/source/ui/docshell/docshell.cxx | 12 - sd/source/ui/func/fuexpand.cxx |5 sd/source/ui/func/futext.cxx | 212 +

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/source

2014-05-09 Thread Michael Stahl
sw/source/core/doc/doclay.cxx|3 ++- sw/source/core/uibase/utlui/unotools.cxx |3 +++ 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit abb0549dd1744a35b0464faac55999b0d5968212 Author: Michael Stahl Date: Thu May 8 23:43:56 2014 +0200 fdo#77720: Mail

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-4-2' - vcl/source

2014-05-09 Thread Stephan Bergmann
vcl/source/gdi/metric.cxx |5 - 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit 9df14a8df187d8e0735da6eea87d199e7d11419a Author: Stephan Bergmann Date: Thu May 8 23:42:28 2014 +0200 Fix "symbol aliasing" code (cherry picked from commit 434c5d7845ab25f8a

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-4-2' - sw/source

2014-05-09 Thread Michael Stahl
sw/source/core/doc/doc.cxx |3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit 02172de1a9c1f4442514cc79583ecd0a46331f45 Author: Michael Stahl Date: Thu Feb 6 13:02:19 2014 +0100 SwDoc::ConvertFieldsToText(): don't insert empty strings Prevents an assert

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: include/vcl

2014-05-09 Thread Thomas Arnhold
include/vcl/settings.hxx |8 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-) New commits: commit 32be757cc3c4931b46de31813d50fd1368c72115 Author: Thomas Arnhold Date: Fri May 9 02:57:54 2014 +0200 Related fdo#78323 GtkFrame has additional padding Comparing the three

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-4-2' - sw/source

2014-05-09 Thread Michael Stahl
sw/source/core/doc/doclay.cxx |1 + sw/source/ui/utlui/unotools.cxx |3 +++ 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+) New commits: commit b5f4a53d6d718e170303ea3d9344f86735fb8c99 Author: Michael Stahl Date: Thu May 8 23:43:56 2014 +0200 fdo#77720: Mail Merge: reset cursors after clearing


2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
On Mon, 2014-05-05 at 17:59 +1000, Chris Sherlock wrote: > Hi all, > > > I have been review the Window classes in VCL and I noticed a window > style WB_3DLOOK. It appears to set > I guess my question is: is this still desirable behaviour? Do we still > want to specify a 3D or non-3D look in the

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sd/source

2014-05-09 Thread David Tardon
sd/source/core/drawdoc.cxx | 38 ++ 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) New commits: commit df71f13b80c30cb98e310baf8f6aee11f8cbe81d Author: David Tardon Date: Fri May 9 13:07:33 2014 +0200 rhbz#1071604 don't crash if slide layout config

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 3 commits - configmgr/source include/com sfx2/source

2014-05-09 Thread Stephan Bergmann
configmgr/source/writemodfile.cxx |6 +++--- include/com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.h |6 ++ sfx2/source/dialog/dinfdlg.cxx |4 ++-- 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) New commits: commit 37d764bce9eb5d5f126464ca566594e108719ea7 Author: Stephan Bergmann Date: F

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/source

2014-05-09 Thread Julien Nabet
sw/source/core/uibase/wrtsh/delete.cxx | 15 +-- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 14 deletions(-) New commits: commit 6651a2493d72f2bd0613b96ee5276a1270709630 Author: Julien Nabet Date: Sat May 3 20:29:26 2014 +0200 Resolves: fdo#78150 Ctrl+Backspace does not erase first char

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/qa sw/source

2014-05-09 Thread umeshkadam
sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/data/FDO78292.docx |binary sw/qa/extras/ooxmlexport/ooxmlexport.cxx |9 + sw/source/filter/ww8/docxattributeoutput.cxx |3 ++- 3 files changed, 11 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit 273e73c8963e0ce4d52e938cedafa9041144d4e5 Author: umesh

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 3 commits - include/oox oox/source sw/qa

2014-05-09 Thread Jacobo Aragunde Pérez
include/oox/drawingml/scene3dcontext.hxx| 11 include/oox/drawingml/shape3dproperties.hxx | 21 + oox/source/drawingml/scene3dcontext.cxx | 43 ++ oox/source/drawingml/shape.cxx | 12 oox

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-4-2' - sd/source

2014-05-09 Thread David Tardon
sd/source/core/drawdoc.cxx | 38 ++ 1 file changed, 26 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-) New commits: commit 9cdfc91bbe335232bc82455cc4aa8c8b3a96176f Author: David Tardon Date: Fri May 9 13:07:33 2014 +0200 rhbz#1071604 don't crash if slide layout config

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'distro/collabora/cp-4.2' - dictionaries

2014-05-09 Thread Julien Nabet
dictionaries |2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit a3c13540143d8c533ea7aa17e4db07c70eb1729f Author: Julien Nabet Date: Thu May 1 18:49:19 2014 +0200 Updated core Project: dictionaries 55cf7aac270cac47aa66a76ef23f6a243ec2cb8f diff --git a/dictio

[Libreoffice-commits] dictionaries.git: Branch 'distro/collabora/cp-4.2' - en/dialog

2014-05-09 Thread Julien Nabet
en/dialog/en.xdl | 38 +++--- 1 file changed, 19 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-) New commits: commit 55cf7aac270cac47aa66a76ef23f6a243ec2cb8f Author: Julien Nabet Date: Thu May 1 18:49:19 2014 +0200 Resolves: fdo#76692 LightProof: Italian translation too l

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'distro/collabora/cp-4.2' - translations

2014-05-09 Thread Christian Lohmaier
translations |2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit 4a2a3e323aeef1901fb08bc907628d2fcdf7a85f Author: Christian Lohmaier Date: Wed Apr 30 20:27:21 2014 +0200 Updated core Project: translations 107ee2169f30302c3bf29d2a8a40b9cdf91b12ae diff --git a

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - desktop/inc desktop/source extensions/uiconfig include/vcl vcl/source

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
desktop/inc/app.hxx|1 desktop/source/app/app.cxx |1 extensions/uiconfig/sabpilot/ui/datasourcepage.ui |7 +- extensions/uiconfig/sabpilot/ui/fieldassignpage.ui |4 - extensions/uiconfig/sabpilot/ui/selecttypepage.ui |

Re: minutes of ESC call ...

2014-05-09 Thread Italo Vignoli
On 08/05/14 17:29, Michael Meeks wrote: > * Should we simplify version numbering? (Kendy) > + So far major.minor.micro, but due to our release plan, all our versions > are continuous improvements - does it make sense to still keep 'major'? > [ ie. should we do 4.3.0 -> 5.0, 4.4.3

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: include/svl include/tools svl/qa svl/source tools/source ucb/source

2014-05-09 Thread Chr . Rossmanith
include/svl/inettype.hxx | 35 --- include/tools/inetmime.hxx | 35 +++ svl/qa/unit/test_INetContentType.cxx |6 ++-- svl/source/misc/inettype.cxx | 45 +-- tools/source/inet/ine

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Changes to 'feature/gtktiledviewer'

2014-05-09 Thread Andrzej Hunt
New branch 'feature/gtktiledviewer' available with the following commits: commit 08a6ca447d3a5f4810c7b632c98de39a446279d5 Author: Andrzej Hunt Date: Fri May 9 15:08:34 2014 +0100 DO NOT MERGE: dirty hacks for tiled rendering to work via libLO. Change-Id: I86e13192ddb5904afabca38d3a

Re: minutes of ESC call ...

2014-05-09 Thread Michael Stahl
On 09/05/14 16:01, Italo Vignoli wrote: > On 08/05/14 17:29, Michael Meeks wrote: > >> * Should we simplify version numbering? (Kendy) >> + So far major.minor.micro, but due to our release plan, all our versions >> are continuous improvements - does it make sense to still keep 'major'? >

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: compilerplugins/Makefile-clang.mk

2014-05-09 Thread Stephan Bergmann
compilerplugins/Makefile-clang.mk |2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit c149c6cc3077a8ca4be4959ad327055264bc854f Author: Stephan Bergmann Date: Fri May 9 16:35:23 2014 +0200 compilerplugins/clang: filter out -fsanitize=address Change-Id: I3e

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: vcl/generic

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
vcl/generic/glyphs/gcach_layout.cxx | 14 -- 1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-) New commits: commit 1d188294fd96a82e7200550f8950aa456a481410 Author: Caolán McNamara Date: Fri May 9 15:35:24 2014 +0100 use vcl::unohelper::CreateBreakIterator consistently

Re: minutes of ESC call ...

2014-05-09 Thread Charles-H. Schulz
On 9 mai 2014 16:01:09 CEST, Italo Vignoli wrote: >On 08/05/14 17:29, Michael Meeks wrote: > >> * Should we simplify version numbering? (Kendy) >> + So far major.minor.micro, but due to our release plan, all our >versions >> are continuous improvements - does it make sense to still kee

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - chart2/source

2014-05-09 Thread Kohei Yoshida
chart2/source/view/charttypes/GL3DBarChart.cxx | 57 + chart2/source/view/inc/3DChartObjects.hxx |8 +++ chart2/source/view/main/3DChartObjects.cxx | 28 3 files changed, 76 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-) New commits: commit 2c64e08aa3eac795cc

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: external/redland

2014-05-09 Thread Stephan Bergmann
external/redland/UnpackedTarball_redland.mk |1 + external/redland/redland/redland-format.patch.0 | 10 ++ 2 files changed, 11 insertions(+) New commits: commit 90a30ddf687426acf7b02f15fbeb41646a70b070 Author: Stephan Bergmann Date: Fri May 9 17:08:09 2014 +0200 external

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: external/redland

2014-05-09 Thread Stephan Bergmann
external/redland/UnpackedTarball_redland.mk |2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) New commits: commit 68a75f02ed313619c93e4d45f09330dd407d4484 Author: Stephan Bergmann Date: Fri May 9 17:17:04 2014 +0200 Record patch upstream notification Change-Id: I5aecdd1d1f19f6588cf91d8c

[Libreoffice-commits] help.git: helpers/help_hid.lst source/text

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
helpers/help_hid.lst |7 --- source/text/shared/explorer/database/05030200.xhp | 19 ++- 2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-) New commits: commit ec761d90416db68a0e8e683c3df44e43f593bb17 Author: Caolán McNamara Date: Fri May

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: helpcontent2

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
helpcontent2 |2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit c6ee91b9c18d25cfc059f9f2c99bdf2d2f324283 Author: Caolán McNamara Date: Fri May 9 16:12:45 2014 +0100 Updated core Project: help ec761d90416db68a0e8e683c3df44e43f593bb17 diff --git a/helpconten

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: dbaccess/inc dbaccess/source dbaccess/uiconfig dbaccess/UIConfig_dbaccess.mk

2014-05-09 Thread Caolán McNamara
dbaccess/UIConfig_dbaccess.mk |1 dbaccess/inc/dbaccess_helpid.hrc |1 dbaccess/source/ui/inc/WColumnSelect.hxx | 18 +-- dbaccess/source/ui/inc/WTabPage.hxx |1 dbaccess/source/ui/inc/dbu_resource.hrc |2 dbaccess/source/ui/misc/WColumnSelect.cx

Re: minutes of ESC call ...

2014-05-09 Thread Michael Meeks
On Fri, 2014-05-09 at 16:09 +0200, Michael Stahl wrote: > well the main question discussed was whether there were any technical > reasons to avoid changing the versioning, whether it's actually > _desirable_ to do it is purely a marketing decision. Quite - meaning not much to do with the

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - sc/qa sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Kohei Yoshida
sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx |9 + sc/source/core/data/document.cxx | 20 ++-- 2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) New commits: commit a45973a90625f4b9e0f603154194f357ff2418d4 Author: Kohei Yoshida Date: Fri May 9 11:44:51 2014 -0400 fdo#778

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-4-2' - sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Kohei Yoshida
sc/source/core/data/document.cxx | 20 ++-- 1 file changed, 18 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) New commits: commit 3cf9916a38975ea7f9a815b35de47ee1b82fa919 Author: Kohei Yoshida Date: Fri May 9 11:44:51 2014 -0400 fdo#77806: Check the boundaries before accessing an array..

[Bug 65675] LibreOffice 4.2 most annoying bugs

2014-05-09 Thread bugzilla-daemon
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65675 Bug 65675 depends on bug 77806, which changed state. Bug 77806 Summary: copy cells from calc and paste in writer makes libreoffice crashed in mdds https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77806 What|Removed

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sd/source

2014-05-09 Thread Jan Holesovsky
sd/source/ui/unoidl/unohelp.hxx | 17 - sd/source/ui/unoidl/unolayer.cxx | 16 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-) New commits: commit e47fef4b5e46f35d18e36223b21403d624a951d3 Author: Jan Holesovsky Date: Fri May 9 17:32:25 2014 +0200 Ki

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 3 commits - cui/uiconfig

2014-05-09 Thread Thomas Arnhold
cui/uiconfig/ui/areatabpage.ui |4 ++-- cui/uiconfig/ui/gradientpage.ui |2 +- 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) New commits: commit 77e07086c9c5cac4841d2362c4ea89db0dd15b58 Author: Thomas Arnhold Date: Fri May 9 04:48:07 2014 +0200 add missing border to GradientLB

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sw/source

2014-05-09 Thread Michael Stahl
sw/source/core/layout/dbg_lay.cxx |2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit ece80453d541f6bfb5ce170b3e0009ade968d8df Author: Michael Stahl Date: Fri May 9 18:12:23 2014 +0200 warning C4389: '==' : signed/unsigned mismatch Change-Id: Ie8bb8a422c2

[Bug 38835] strip out non-trivial globals before main

2014-05-09 Thread bugzilla-daemon
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38835 --- Comment #10 from lynn.tra...@gmail.com --- Hi, since this one isn't assigned to anyone, can I try to work on this bug? -- You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug. __

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Julien Nabet
sc/source/core/data/dptabsrc.cxx | 26 +- sc/source/filter/xml/xmlwrap.cxx | 14 +++--- sc/source/ui/unoobj/cellsuno.cxx | 22 +++--- sc/source/ui/unoobj/fielduno.cxx | 12 ++-- sc/source/ui/unoobj/styleuno.cxx |4 ++-- 5 files ch

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - sc/qa sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Kohei Yoshida
sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx| 55 sc/qa/unit/ucalc.hxx|2 + sc/source/core/data/column3.cxx |4 +- 3 files changed, 59 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) New commits: commit f4673ccd5e26d38a28f297d64ed70ba719d21ef2 Author: Kohei Yoshid

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: extensions/source include/postwin.h include/prewin.h include/tools sfx2/source shell/source

2014-05-09 Thread Thomas Arnhold
extensions/source/ole/wincrap.hxx |6 include/postwin.h |5 include/prewin.h |2 include/tools/postsys.h| 234 - include/tools/presys.h | 34 sfx2/

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'libreoffice-4-2' - sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Kohei Yoshida
sc/source/core/data/column3.cxx |4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) New commits: commit e4f500934e51946cd1fbfa8b8dc6f6fb26a7779b Author: Kohei Yoshida Date: Fri May 9 14:04:30 2014 -0400 fdo#77379: Don't return from the call. Notes are handled at the end.

LDTP and python

2014-05-09 Thread Terrence Enger
Hi, all. I am trying without success to drive LibreOffice from a Python program using the ldtp library. Is anybody here doing this? May I know what versions of Python ond LDTP you are using? Thanks, Terry, ___ LibreOffice mailing list LibreOffice@li

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - basctl/source cppcanvas/source i18npool/source nlpsolver/ThirdParty sc/source sd/source sfx2/source svtools/source svx/source ucb/workben vcl/source vcl/win

2014-05-09 Thread Jan Holesovsky
basctl/source/dlged/managelang.cxx |6 ++--- cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/implrenderer.cxx |2 - i18npool/source/nativenumber/nativenumbersupplier.cxx |2 - nlpsolver/T

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 4 commits - basic/source extensions/source include/prewin.h include/vcl winaccessibility/source

2014-05-09 Thread Thomas Arnhold
basic/source/sbx/sbxdec.hxx |7 ++- extensions/source/plugin/base/context.cxx|1 - extensions/source/plugin/base/evtlstnr.cxx |1 - extensions/source/plugin/base/manager.cxx|1 - extensions/source/plugin/base/nfuncs.cxx

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sd/source

2014-05-09 Thread Andras Timar
sd/source/ui/view/sdview2.cxx |4 +--- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 3 deletions(-) New commits: commit de8f5f2af78877bc63b462195ce63341f6ba7817 Author: Andras Timar Date: Fri May 9 22:38:52 2014 +0200 Revert "fdo#45260: Objects having line thickness misplaced while pasting."

Shared compilation cache & windows ...

2014-05-09 Thread Thorsten Behrens
Hi, seems the mozilla guys are pushing some boundaries again - is this sccache thing something we could try on windows? For me, the modified ccache has never really worked... http://glandium.org/blog/?p=3275 Cheers, -- Thorsten signature.asc Description: Digital signature ___

Installation dependency bug reports

2014-05-09 Thread Joren DC
Hi, Can a developer please have a look to: * bug 77293 (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=77293) * bug 78234 (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78234) Both reports are about a failing installation. As far I can see it looks like they fail both on the same error (failing in

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 3 commits - include/svtools include/tools svtools/source tools/source

2014-05-09 Thread Eike Rathke
include/svtools/langtab.hxx |8 include/tools/resary.hxx|2 ++ svtools/source/misc/langtab.cxx | 11 +++ tools/source/rc/resary.cxx |6 ++ 4 files changed, 27 insertions(+) New commits: commit 07481fd864a1826c29a9e6bdf6c08dac4cc56ba7 Author: Eik

[Bug 75025] LibreOffice 4.3 most annoying bugs

2014-05-09 Thread bugzilla-daemon
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=75025 Bug 75025 depends on bug 78267, which changed state. Bug 78267 Summary: Slideshow: does not go to next slide or animation by mouse click https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=78267 What|Removed |Added -

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - sc/qa sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Kohei Yoshida
sc/qa/unit/ucalc.cxx| 44 +--- sc/source/core/data/column3.cxx | 43 +++ 2 files changed, 63 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-) New commits: commit 83a88b942134314e86ac612d0ef70a8e4919e4af Author: Kohei Yoshida D

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'feature/chart-3d-chart' - 4 commits - chart2/source

2014-05-09 Thread Markus Mohrhard
chart2/source/view/charttypes/GL3DBarChart.cxx |3 + chart2/source/view/inc/GL3DRenderer.hxx| 38 - chart2/source/view/main/GL3DRenderer.cxx | 20 +++-- 3 files changed, 33 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-) New commits: commit dd03005e628c7ae42dc

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'feature/chart-3d-chart' - 7 commits - chart2/source

2014-05-09 Thread Kohei Yoshida
chart2/source/view/charttypes/GL3DBarChart.cxx | 108 ++--- chart2/source/view/inc/3DChartObjects.hxx | 15 +++ chart2/source/view/inc/GL3DBarChart.hxx| 19 ++-- chart2/source/view/main/3DChartObjects.cxx | 55 chart2/source/view/main/ChartV

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: i18npool/source

2014-05-09 Thread Julien Nabet
i18npool/source/nativenumber/nativenumbersupplier.cxx |3 ++- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-) New commits: commit 7a5b0aa0a667ae2ac2d198a37bc3146c5c8e4067 Author: Julien Nabet Date: Sat May 10 06:32:55 2014 +0200 Blind fix for red Tinderboxes Change-Id: I946594

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: cppcanvas/source

2014-05-09 Thread Julien Nabet
cppcanvas/source/mtfrenderer/implrenderer.cxx |4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) New commits: commit 4c0ec2a1dd1b4f8ca4d72124ee97ee4076636845 Author: Julien Nabet Date: Sat May 10 06:57:15 2014 +0200 Blind fix for red Tinderboxes, following Change-Id: I5

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Miklos Vajna
sc/source/core/tool/address.cxx |4 ++-- sc/source/core/tool/chgtrack.cxx |6 +++--- 2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-) New commits: commit a7e8e0f29e499e500d33e1f43d73b6f233919e93 Author: Miklos Vajna Date: Sat May 10 07:34:02 2014 +0200 -Werror=parentheses

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: include/svtools

2014-05-09 Thread Miklos Vajna
include/svtools/langtab.hxx |2 ++ 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+) New commits: commit 79a4d09ac2e5daaad29c10b39d34ff0f09d1d9ad Author: Miklos Vajna Date: Sat May 10 07:38:00 2014 +0200 ISO C++ forbids declaration of ‘rLanguageTag’ with no type Change-Id: I148b3eff0fc229f

[Bug 38835] strip out non-trivial globals before main

2014-05-09 Thread bugzilla-daemon
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=38835 --- Comment #11 from David Tardon --- (In reply to comment #10) > Hi, since this one isn't assigned to anyone, can I try to work on this bug? Sure you can. -- You are receiving this mail because: You are on the CC list for the bug. ___

LibreOffice Gerrit News for core on 2014-05-10

2014-05-09 Thread gerrit
Moin! * Open changes on master for project core changed in the last 25 hours: First time contributors doing great things! + fdo#57950: Replace chained O(U)StringBuffer::append() with operator+ in https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/8699 from Tharindu Lakmal about module sc + fdo#60338: S

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: 2 commits - sc/source

2014-05-09 Thread Markus Mohrhard
sc/source/core/data/conditio.cxx |2 ++ sc/source/filter/xml/xmlbodyi.cxx |4 ++-- 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) New commits: commit f1fde869b47e5447f261d92ce386434d3d628d52 Author: Markus Mohrhard Date: Sat May 10 08:13:39 2014 +0200 Lsan: fix memory leak in x

[Libreoffice-commits] core.git: Branch 'feature/chart-3d-chart' - 3 commits - chart2/source include/vcl vcl/source

2014-05-09 Thread Markus Mohrhard
chart2/source/view/charttypes/GL3DBarChart.cxx |6 +- chart2/source/view/main/GL3DRenderer.cxx |2 -- include/vcl/openglwin.hxx |1 + vcl/source/window/openglwin.cxx|9 + 4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-) New c

[Bug 60270] LibreOffice 4.1 most annoying bugs

2014-05-09 Thread bugzilla-daemon
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60270 Bug 60270 depends on bug 71478, which changed state. Bug 71478 Summary: The hide comments are disappeared after the worksheet copy operation https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=71478 What|Removed |Add

[Bug 60270] LibreOffice 4.1 most annoying bugs

2014-05-09 Thread bugzilla-daemon
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60270 tommy27 changed: What|Removed |Added Depends on|62719 | -- You are receiving this mail because: You

[Bug 65675] LibreOffice 4.2 most annoying bugs

2014-05-09 Thread bugzilla-daemon
https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=65675 tommy27 changed: What|Removed |Added Depends on||62719 -- You are receiving this mail because: