Hi Roel,
Looks like your Linux kernel was compiled without eventfd support. Can
you check your '.config' for 'CONFIG_EVENTFD'?
The easiest way to build working MHD in such case is use
'--enable-itc=pipe' configure parameter. It will prevent usage of
eventfd functions even if eventfd support
Hi everyone,
I contact you because I can't find any answer to my problem by searching on
the Internet. I thank you for the time you will take to read me.
I was reading the documentation of gnutls and I saw that it is possible to
implement session resumption as described in the gnutls documentatio
Hi Evgeny,
Thank you very much for your quick and helpful reply!
Actually, I don't have the .config file because I'm working on a .. restricted
Also, I've cross-compiled the library for use on that target device, so I don't
know how one would
be able to check this at configure-time. T