Hi everyone,

I contact you because I can't find any answer to my problem by searching on
the Internet. I thank you for the time you will take to read me.

I was reading the documentation of gnutls and I saw that it is possible to
implement session resumption as described in the gnutls documentation:
https://www.gnutls.org/manual/gnutls.html#Session-resumption . I would like
to use the gnutls session resumption feature with libmicrohttpd but I don’t
know how to implement these changes to add this feature. The GnuTls session
resumption examples are independent of libmicrohttpd (
https://gitlab.com/gnutls/gnutls/-/blob/master/src/serv.c ) .So, I have
difficulties to see how to adapt the example to my use case.  Would it be
possible to help me please ?

 Another question: is it possible to implement TLS authentication
externally to libmicrohttpd? Is it possible to do this with external event

Have a nice day,

Best regards,

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