Re: Website

2010-07-27 Thread Alan Lord (News)
On 27/07/10 05:01, Jeremy Huntwork wrote: > It's interesting what logs will show. > > For instance, the access logs for show 117 > unique IP addresses viewing the site yesterday, and 76 unique IPs today. > Combine the two lists and there are a total of 167 unique IP

Re: [lfs-dev] No IRC on the new server

2012-01-31 Thread Alan Lord (News)
On 31/01/12 14:37, Gerard Beekmans wrote: > > If the LFS IRC channels are to continue a new home will need to be found > for them. I'd like the current channel admins to give this some thought. > Let me know if you have any suggestions you would like to see implemented. Freenode seems to be where