On 27/07/10 05:01, Jeremy Huntwork wrote:
> It's interesting what logs will show.
> For instance, the access logs for community.linuxfromscratch.org show 117 
> unique IP addresses viewing the site yesterday, and 76 unique IPs today. 
> Combine the two lists and there are a total of 167 unique IPs. Even taking 
> into account robots and individuals viewing the site from multiple locations, 
> that's still a lot of readers who were curious enough about it to go have a 
> look.
> And yet, we have very few people writing in to express their opinion. So it 
> appears that either they don't really care, or they're holding back from 
> speaking their mind because of some expectation of what will happen when they 
> do.

Hi Jeremy et al :-)

I had a quick look over the redmine site and thought it looked great.

As I am not really involved in LFS at all any more I didn't feel as 
though I had any position to comment, but seeing as you asked I think it 
looks like a good step forward. I tend to just lurk here now and watch 
what is going on.

The dialogue that is on-going between you, DJ & Bruce etc. is very 
interesting reading though - it's a great way to learn about apps; by 
reading others implementation experiences.



(Alan Lord)
LFS ID: 216 :-)

The Open Learning Centre

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