Re: [lfs-dev] sysvinit programs

2013-12-13 Thread William Immendorf
On Fri, Dec 13, 2013 at 1:49 PM, William Harrington wrote: > There's a reason why there is a separate branch for systemd LFS. > > People can choose to use it or not. It doesn't matter if people like > systemd or not. They can go on a rampage with their advantages and > disadvantages. People contri

Re: Some newbie thoughts

2011-10-20 Thread William Immendorf
On Oct 20, 2011 8:48 AM, "feralert" wrote: > As I am new in LFS and this is my first attempt, I have a couple of > comments that might help make the book easier to follow (at least to a > non-english newbie like me). This are stuff that got me lost for a > while and think that, if clarified, would

Re: server problem ?

2011-10-16 Thread William Immendorf
> as getting closed.  And ssh appears not to work - so, if there is a > problem, fixing it might be "difficult". I can access it just fine. Maybe there is a problem on your end. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID:

Texinfo fixes (again)

2011-08-13 Thread William Immendorf
to appear, disjointed. Using one of the fixes from Fedora helped me, and I decided to cobble it with some other useful patches into this nice little megapatch. I would like to see this in the book soon. If you had the issue I was talking about, please reply. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free

Re: Bootscript reorganization

2011-07-19 Thread William Immendorf
pts "user jdoe remotename adsl" }}} For Wifi with DHCPCD: {{{ # The primary network interface: auto eth0 iface eth0 inet wifi dhcp ssid "DontPanic" service start_opts "" stop_opts "" print_ip true print_all false }}} See? All simple. -- William Immendorf

Suggestions for refactoring the network scripts

2011-07-14 Thread William Immendorf
changes to the bootscripts, I suggest that we fix the above mentioned issues. We should start with only using one configuration file per interface, using SERVICE to set which program to use for setting up the network. If you have any questions, I am open to replies. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in

Re: Partial update of bootscripts

2011-07-12 Thread William Immendorf
On Jul 10, 2011 5:34 PM, "Bruce Dubbs" wrote: > I've done a partial rewrite of the bootscripts and want to put them out for comment. I know this might be a little too late to say this, but I would personally like to see something like systemd or upstart in the book or a fork of it. These newer sys

Re: grub dependencies

2011-06-12 Thread William Immendorf
, so I just forget them and move on. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signed, it's not from me. -- "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your m

Re: Problem: glibc 2.14 and Linux-PAM cannot work together!

2011-06-07 Thread William Immendorf
:// and you can download it from here: l I really haven't built this, but once I can give it a try, I'll give it a try. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain te

Re: Various Texinfo fixes

2011-05-01 Thread William Immendorf
ypes.patch. I also checked the info dir file with vim, looked normal to me. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signed, it's not from me. -- "Every nonfree program has a lord,

Various Texinfo fixes

2011-05-01 Thread William Immendorf
t of fixes, mostly from Fedora, that fix some issues with Texinfo, including the blank info screen problem I mentioned eariler. The patch is attached, please give me feedback on it. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 I

Re: Kernel and glibc headers

2011-01-11 Thread William Immendorf
On Tue, Jan 11, 2011 at 2:35 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote: > Yes.  The kernel headers include definitions for the kernel only.  Don't > use the kernel headers for applications or utilities. Unless you want to use the kernel for direct hardware access or graphics accleration. -- William Im

Issues with the XZ-utils instructions

2011-01-03 Thread William Immendorf
ition: mv -v /usr/bin/{xz,unxz,xzcat,lzma,unlzma,lzcat} /bin && mv -v /usr/lib/* /lib && ln -sfv ../../lib/ /usr/lib/ 3. Add --docdir=/usr/share/doc/xz-5.0.0 to the configure command. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. M

Re: Use SHA-2 by default instead of MD5 for password encrypting

2010-12-29 Thread William Immendorf
heir heart set on Blowfish, we will be willing to use that. For now, we are going to use SHA-512. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signed, it's not from me. -- "Every nonfree progra

Re: Use SHA-2 by default instead of MD5 for password encrypting

2010-12-28 Thread William Immendorf
ption specified as an argument to But, then again, the configuration that BLFS uses is arleady using SHA-512 encryption. The only thing left is to change the sed in the LFS book, and that's it. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please,

Use SHA-2 by default instead of MD5 for password encrypting

2010-12-28 Thread William Immendorf
list this belongs on, I belive it belongs on all of the -dev lists, but I'll first send it to the lfs-dev list. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signed, it's not from me. -- &qu

SVN 6.54 Shadow - Man-DB can format Korean and Chinese man pages (sed for disabling those manpages is irrelevant)

2010-12-27 Thread William Immendorf
pages. So, that makes the sed for disabling the manpages pointless and it should be removed. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signed, it's not from me. -- "Every nonfree program

Small typo

2010-12-21 Thread William Immendorf
6.33 Perl 5.12.2. In the description for libnetcfg, it says: "Can be used to configure the libnet" which doesn’t really make sense. A better description would be: "Can be used to configure the libnet Perl module" which makes more sense. -- William Immendorf The ultima

Re: IANA-Etc links broken (for now)

2010-11-23 Thread William Immendorf
ld like normal. 3. After a set amount of time, update the IANA files and make a new release. This seems like a plausible way of handling things. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signe

Re: IANA-Etc links broken (for now)

2010-11-23 Thread William Immendorf
new version of IANA-Etc. I'll mantain this package and make announcements here. The only thing I need is some hosting space. If you have some on one of your sites, can you give me some space to make new versions of IANA-Etc? -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain

Re: IANA-Etc links broken (for now)

2010-11-23 Thread William Immendorf
I think we should do? Fork IANA-Etc into our own package, lfs-iana-files, using the same scripts but using the latest IANA files as sources to format. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not s

IANA-Etc links broken (for now)

2010-11-22 Thread William Immendorf
rrata. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signed, it's not from me. -- "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the program, he is your master." 

Re: m4 problem with current -dev

2010-08-04 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Aug 4, 2010 at 5:48 PM, Ken Moffat wrote: > On 4 August 2010 22:07, William Immendorf wrote: >> I have a simpler fix in a form of a sed: >> >> sed -i '/#include /i#include ' src/m4.h >> >> This should get M4 compiling again. >> -- >  

Re: m4 problem with current -dev

2010-08-04 Thread William Immendorf
n a form of a sed: sed -i '/#include /i#include ' src/m4.h This should get M4 compiling again. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If it's not signed, it's not from me. -- "Every nonf

Re: Honing "More Control and Package Users"

2010-08-01 Thread William Immendorf
age name-version) if the former isn't possible. Also, the long user name should be like 'Manual pages for Linux' for the Man-pages, and the description should go into a .project file in the user's home directory. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain

Re: Consider adding in Cloog-PPL and PPL

2010-07-18 Thread William Immendorf
build in > optimization libraries for chapter 5. Thanks for pointing that out for me. I think CLFS should follow your advice just for build time's sake. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. GPG key ID: 1697BE98 If i

Re: Consider adding in Cloog-PPL and PPL

2010-07-18 Thread William Immendorf
--enable-cxx added to it's configure. * As for PPL, use --enable-interfaces="c,cxx" to prevent PPL from building the Java interface (there is no Java compiler in the chroot enviorment, by the way) in the temp toolchain phrase. * CLoog-PPL needs --with-bits=gmp in the temp toolchain

Re: Explanation about grub's search command in chapter 8.4 of lfs book is wrong

2010-06-27 Thread William Immendorf
ARE meaningful for LFS, as GRUB uses them to find where the root partition is. I use an Initramfs, but it's still meaningful. So, the description should be reworked to: "The search lines are used by GRUB to find the root partition where the kernel is located. Therefore, they should not

Re: Prototyping new packages

2010-04-16 Thread William Immendorf
On Fri, Apr 16, 2010 at 6:48 AM, William Immendorf wrote: > I think you should just be patient, Bruce. Wait for to come > out, and hopefully your system will boot up again. Or if you are impatient, try using the attached patch. I think it fixes the segfault issue. -- William Imm

Re: Prototyping new packages

2010-04-16 Thread William Immendorf
default configuration is using the e1000 driver.  If I make this one > change in the config, init segfaults at boot. I think you should just be patient, Bruce. Wait for to come out, and hopefully your system will boot up again. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Me

Re: Website

2010-03-17 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Mar 17, 2010 at 8:46 PM, Petersen Liman wrote: > -BEGIN PGP MESSAGE- If you have to send a message on the list, please don't send it encryped with PGP. Of cource, you can sign your messages with PGP keys, but not encrypted with it. -- William Immendorf The ultimate

Re: LFS-6.6-RC2

2010-02-21 Thread William Immendorf
xes. It also includes editorial work on the explanatory > material throughout the book, improving both the clarity and accuracy of > the text. Great, as I built the book with LFS SVN-20100219, which is very close to LFS 6.6-rc2, and it works! Working on BLFS SVN now... -- William Immendo

Backporting Nouveau to the 2.6.32.* kernel

2010-02-21 Thread William Immendorf
part belongs to LFS, and the driver belongs to BLFS. Thefore, please reopen 2584 and I will open a new ticket on BLFS conserning the driver. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. -- "Every nonfr

IMPORTANT: Security hole in kernels < 2.6.32-rc6

2009-11-21 Thread William Immendorf
he backported patch. Please, please, patch the kernel to fix this issue, and please stop LFS from being exploited. -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. -- "Every nonfree program has a lord, a master -- and if you use the p

Re: Grub configuration

2009-11-15 Thread William Immendorf
Neither am I, but I think we have a old Grub splash image laying around at What do you think of it? -- William Immendorf The ultimate in free computing. Messages in plain text, please, no HTML. -- "Every nonfr

Re: Check out my photos on Facebook

2009-09-19 Thread William Immendorf
On Sat, Sep 19, 2009 at 11:48 PM, Troy Will wrote: > I set up a Facebook profile where I can post my pictures, videos and events > and I want to add you as a friend so you can see it. First, you need to join > Facebook! Once you join, you can also create your own profile. Oh jeez, will you tell

Re: LFS Directions

2009-09-17 Thread William Immendorf
On Thu, Sep 17, 2009 at 7:37 PM, Greg Schafer wrote: > On Thu, 17 Sep 2009 16:12:43 -0700, Nathan Coulson wrote: >> I have been experimenting with a multilib LFS System (where /lib, >> /usr/lib are used for 64bit, and /lib/32, and /usr/lib/32 are used for >> 32bit). > > I advise against this. Not

Re: New e2fsprogs

2009-08-26 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 6:59 PM, Greg Schafer wrote: > Because that way lies madness (as has been discussed many times before). > > IMHO, a saner solution is a 32-bit "build" chroot and a package manger. Eh, I was thinking of a hybrid of LFS, CLFS and DIY for multilib. What do you think of that? W

Re: New e2fsprogs

2009-08-26 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 6:23 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote: > A 32-bit libc is a consideration.  I don't know how to do that yet.  I've only > had a 64-bit system for a week.  Looking at grub-0.97, it also uses ncurses, > so > I think we'd need a 32bit version of that too. This has got me thinking: If we

Vim patch out of date

2009-07-20 Thread William Immendorf
Before you release 6.5, look at this: the Vim patch is out of date. The patch level is now 234, and we gotta do somethin' to update it!!! William -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page

Even more Groff/Man-DB Info (Fwd of Groff update, are you acepeting it?)

2009-07-20 Thread William Immendorf
.20.1 before I notified him.) William -- Forwarded message -- From: Colin Watson Date: Mon, Jul 20, 2009 at 2:28 AM Subject: Re: Groff update, are you acepeting it? To: William Immendorf On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 09:46:31PM -0600, William Immendorf wrote: > On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at

Re: Patches for all outstanding 6.5 tickets

2009-07-06 Thread William Immendorf
On Mon, Jul 6, 2009 at 2:08 AM, Bruce Dubbs wrote: > OK, I committed the changes.  I was able to boot into this build and > everything > seemed to work.  Devices were recognized and the network was up. One more problem: In the CH6 E2fsprogs step, you didn't mention what --disable-libblkd and --dis

Re: Patches for all outstanding 6.5 tickets

2009-07-05 Thread William Immendorf
On Sun, Jul 5, 2009 at 9:58 AM, Matthew Burgess wrote: > Attached are my patches for all outstanding 6.5 tickets.  It upgrades > Util-Linux-NG as far as 2.16-rc2.  This has survived a build and boot > test.  Feel free to commit them (in the order listed in 'series'), or > have me commit them if you

Re: Missing LFS-6.3 in museum

2009-07-03 Thread William Immendorf
On Fri, Jul 3, 2009 at 4:24 AM, Guy Dalziel wrote: > Gilles, I believe that 6.3 is on the livecd, it certainly is on mine. > lfslivecd-x86-6.3-r2160.iso should be the most recent, I hope this > helps. And also, it's the version of the current non-development BLFS. But I would like to see this lFS v

How do you calculate SBUS?

2009-06-24 Thread William Immendorf
Hey, I'm just wondering: How do you calculate the SBU amount for (B)LFS packages? Because I want to see the SBUS for new packages, and recent versions of packages. William -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above

Re: module-init-tools --enable-zlib-dynamic

2009-06-22 Thread William Immendorf
On Mon, Jun 22, 2009 at 6:11 PM, DJ Lucas wrote: > And I thought that I had been complaining on this long enough so that we > would never violate the FHS again.  ;-)  Even as rare as a remote /usr > mount is now days, libz really must be moved to /lib if anything in /bin > or /sbin links against it

Re: Udev 143

2009-06-21 Thread William Immendorf
Oops, due to a odd glitch, I sent the same message twice. I apologise for that. William -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information page

Udev 143

2009-06-21 Thread William Immendorf
New version of udev, which as always, has bugfixes. Major new features to note are:  * This version of udev now installs a library that is installed in a diffrent location than usual. Because of this, exec_prefix and udev_prefix cannot be used anymore. This presents a problem for LFS, because we

Udev 143

2009-06-21 Thread William Immendorf
New version of udev, which as always, has bugfixes. Major new features to note are: * This version of udev now installs a library that is installed in a diffrent location than usual. Because of this, exec_prefix and udev_prefix cannot be used anymore. This presents a problem for LFS, because we

Re: udev 1.42 : vol_id missing

2009-06-20 Thread William Immendorf
On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 3:54 AM, Tobias Gasser wrote: > with e2fsprogs 1.41.6, util-linux-ng 2.15.1 and udev 1.42 it looks like > everything behaves as expected. just use the svn-20090611 with the > updated e2fsprog and util-linux-ng including "--with-fsprobe=builtin" > for util-linux-ng I see a pr

XZ is just awesome (was: Re: kernel compression with lzma)

2009-06-20 Thread William Immendorf
On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Tobias Gasser wrote: > kernel 2.26.30 allows compression with gz, bz2 and lzma > > gzip and bzip2 are fine with the installed tools. > lzma is missing in the book. This is a must have package in the book, then. > my current kernel-sizes: > gzip            1913696 >

Re: Ghostscript Patches

2009-03-23 Thread William Immendorf
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Whoops, I hardcoded the url for the jasper patch for 8.63, now I fixed that. Resending patches... William -BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE- Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux) Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - iEYEARECAAYFAknIA

Should we use a perl with shared libraries?

2009-03-21 Thread William Immendorf
-BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE- Hash: SHA1 Hey, Should we use a perl with shared libraries? Just a thought. BTW, the configure option for a shared lib perl is -Duseshrplib, and you need to apply this sed so that DynaLoader.a is built with -fPIC, so that it can be linked into a shared l

Re: Let William comment and make tickets

2009-02-11 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:53 PM, William Immendorf wrote: > Nor am I adolescent. I am a autistic 12 year old who loves computer. I meant computers. -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above informat

Re: Let William comment and make tickets

2009-02-11 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:51 PM, Randy McMurchy wrote: > Just a side thought, but does anyone think that "William" doesn't > exist, and is only a sock puppet for someone disgruntled with the > project? I strongly believe this, as I don't think anyone could be > as stupid as he pretends to be. I am

I'm not building OPENLDAP any day.

2009-02-11 Thread William Immendorf
I am not building OpenLDAP. It is just a complete mess, the "stable" and the "realease" thing, the incompatibles with BDB 4.7.25, it dosen't compile, etc, etc. Just remove this package sometime. -- FAQ:

Re: Let William comment and make tickets

2009-02-11 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:31 PM, Bruce Dubbs wrote: > Let William post to -dev. If he demonstrates that he has an emotional age > greater than 12, we can consider restoring ticket privileges. And I am showing a emotional age greater than 12 right now. William --

Re: Let William comment and make tickets

2009-02-11 Thread William Immendorf
On Wed, Feb 11, 2009 at 4:21 PM, Randy McMurchy wrote: > William Immendorf wrote these words on 02/11/09 16:04 CST: >> THIS IS UNFAIR! WILLIAM NEEDS TO HAVE TICKET PREMITIONS!! > > Why must you feel you have to shout in ALL CAPS? You'd be so much > more accepted i

GCC 4.3.3

2009-01-25 Thread William Immendorf
Hey, I found out that there is a new GCC version, 4.3.3. This is a regression and docs fix release. To see which regressions were fixed, look at this link: The only problem is, its nowhere to be

I've made a Perl patch, that was something useful to the book.

2008-10-21 Thread William Immendorf
rive. by: William Immendorf (computerperson1 AT live DOT com) Date: 2008-10-20 Initial Package Version: 5.10.0 Upstream Status: Accepeted, I guess. Origin: Various Debian patches, and DJ's symlink securty fix. Descriptio

Current state of i18n

2008-10-20 Thread William Immendorf
DJ Lucas wrote: >This is long, but mostly just test output. This tested on a box from >20081012 with the added coreutils-i18n patch. Apparently, grep still >has an issue. Need to see if we can dig up the proper patch or changes >necessary to make it work correctly, and we still need to kill

Perl Debian Fixes Patch

2008-10-15 Thread William Immendorf
This patch is for perl, and it is has some Debian fixes that fix #2227, including the symlink securty patch, so we can scrap the perl securty fix patch. _ Get more out of the Web. Learn 10 hidden secrets of Windows Live. http://windo


2008-10-08 Thread William Immendorf
Udev is now at 130: Here are some of the changes from 124 to 130: In udev-124: * cdrom_id now properly recognizes blank media. In udev-125: * Bugfixes. * Default udev rules are should now be put into /lib/udev/rules.d/ now, to make it clear that they should not be edited by a user. User-made


2008-10-05 Thread William Immendorf
I created a Trac ticket about LZMA utils, and I thought it would make a nice addon to 6.4. So, it's best to move it there. LZMA in 6.4 forever. _ Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie. http://windows

Why can't I create tickets still?

2008-10-05 Thread William Immendorf
Bruce Dubbs wrote: >That was an oversight. You can now. Who are you talking to, DJ or me? I still can't create tickets. _ Get more out of the Web. Learn 10 hidden secrets of Windows Live.

New patch: Remove Mktemp permantly

2008-10-05 Thread William Immendorf
Randy McMurchy wrote: >Thanks, William. I'll update this when I get to the Coreutils >update. I may not pull out all the mktemp stuff completely from >the book, as it is all commented out already and I think we >prefer to keep stuff in there and just comment it out. >Of course, as time goes on a

Why can't I create tickets still?

2008-10-05 Thread William Immendorf
Can regular users (not just me) create tickets? _ See how Windows Mobile brings your life together—at home, work, or on the go. --

What happend to Trac? (Was: Super must do IMMENDATE task!)

2008-10-05 Thread William Immendorf
Matthew Burgess wrote: >William, >Actually, through your actions we realised that the Trac permissions weren't >set correctly. Only LFS editors should be able to re-open & close tickets and >change target milestones and the>like; it's part of our responsibilities of >ticket triage and releas

New patch: Remove Mktemp permantly

2008-10-05 Thread William Immendorf
I have a new patch that removes the Mktemp package permentaly and mentions Mktemp in Coreutils. This fixes #2194. _ See how Windows Mobile brings your life together—at home, work, or on the go.

Super must do IMMENDATE task!

2008-10-05 Thread William Immendorf
Philipp Christian Loewner wrote: >> For "reopening trac ticket 2113", that was concerning LZMA, and a LFS >> member and I had a ticket open-close argument with each other. >I noticed that. Yes, but you Christian troll trying to degrade my image, UNSUBSCRIBE YOURSELF! You don't belong here.

Super must do IMMENDATE task!

2008-10-04 Thread William Immendorf
Philipp Christian Loewner wrote: >Normally I don't tend to respond to such messages nor am I in any way >an LSF-dev but seriously, you best be trolling. >If you are not, then you should really think about how to introduce >your ideas to people who don't know you and who are not, in any way, >p

Super must do IMMENDATE task! William Immendorf computerperson1 at

2008-10-04 Thread William Immendorf
Philipp Christian Loewner wrote: >Normally I don't tend to respond to such messages nor am I in any way >an LSF-dev but seriously, you best be trolling. >If you are not, then you should really think about how to introduce >your ideas to people who don't know you and who are not, in any way, >ple

Super must do IMMENDATE task!

2008-10-04 Thread William Immendorf
REOPEN TRAC TICKET #2213 IMMENDALY AND LET MY HAVE MY TRAC PRIVLAGES BACK TOO! _ See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life. -- h

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-09 Thread William Immendorf
Bruce Dubbs wrote: >What are the dependencies for Schematron and NVDL? For the NVDL validator (JNVDL), we need to use Java for that. _ See how Windows connects the people, information, and fun that are part of your life. http://cl

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-07 Thread William Immendorf
Matthew Burgess wrote: >> DocBook V5.0 offers new functionality. DocBook V5.0 provides significant >> improvements over DocBook V4.x. For example there is general markup for >> annotations, a new and flexible system for linking, and unified markup for >> information sections using the info elemen

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-06 Thread William Immendorf
Bruce Dubbs wrote: >I think you proposal and the discussion has reached a point where we are just >rehashing what has been said. The question has been asked about the >advantages >of RelaxNG. The only answers I've heard are basically: >1. We can add out own tags. >2. Because it is there.

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
Ken Moffat wrote: >Last time I looked (admittedly a _long_ time ago), java didn't build >on the architecture I was using, with the then-current toolchain. >No, it wasn't x86, but at the moment I can happily render my local >versions which sit on a different architecture. You haven't yet >unders

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
About my previous email, I meant that for a secure server, not for the book. _ Get ideas on sharing photos from people like you. Find new ways to share.

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
Oh, and we need to keep the Apache, PHP, and *SQL software up to date in order to have a PHP generated book. _ Get ideas on sharing photos from people like you. Find new ways to share.

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
Ken Moffat wrote: > So far, I've managed without java, and I see absolutely zero reason > to install it on my machines. Unforuntaly, we have to put Java as a reqirment here for the validator (JNVDL) and the transformer. (Saxon) You will have to live with that. > At the moment, you haven't both

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
Bruce Dubbs wrote: >> the biggest >> barrier I think we have, is the fact that xmllint and xsltproc couldn't >> handle RNG documents correctly. >To me this is a show stopper. We need those or the equivalent programs to >generate the book in its various forms, wget-list, etc. Then try both

About the future format for LFS

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
Anyway, I meant that we should create our own RNG shema that is based on Docbook 5.0. Oh, and I mentoned we needed to update the .xsl files. _ Talk to your Yahoo! Friends via Windows Live Messenger. Find out how. http://www.window

About the future format for LFS

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
Oh and for the root element, you need to add the LFS namespace and the sub namespaces to the root of the document. Like "xmlns="""; and "xmlns:xi="""; for the XInclude part. Also, we need "xmlns:xlink="

About the future format for LFS (reworded)

2008-09-01 Thread William Immendorf
Here is a reworded plan for the future of LFS: 1. Use Relax NG instead of DTDs. They offer more flexibilty than DTDs. If you want to learn about RNG, see this link: I think it is best to base it on Docbook 5.0. Please read this: http://www.docboo

About the future format for LFS

2008-08-31 Thread William Immendorf
We need to change some of the elements and replace them with new elements, such as the screen and userinput combo. We also need to change decreapted Docbook 4 elements, such as ulink and bookinfo to link and info, respcrety. Also, we can remove elements we don't need. We need to change the he

About the future format for LFS

2008-08-31 Thread William Immendorf
We will proably need to change some decrepated elements, like ulink and bookinfo, and for the entries, we can use this: %general-entities; %allent; ]> No change to the .ent files is needed, but we need to change the xsl stylesheets. __

About the future format for LFS

2008-08-31 Thread William Immendorf
Bruce Dubbs wrote: >See: > >It's been around for 4 years, but we've never really addressed it. I've seen it, that will fix the ticket and make LFS more flexible. _ See what people are sa

About the future format for LFS

2008-08-31 Thread William Immendorf
Here's my plan for the future of the LFS format: 1. Use Relax NG instead of DTDs. It offers more customatibility than DTDs. And if you're sick of XML, you can use RNCs. (Relax NG Compact Syntax) You can also put elements from Docbook 5.0 in and take out ones you don't want. Also, you can creat