New version of udev, which as always, has bugfixes.

Major new features to note are:

 * This version of udev now installs a library that is installed in a
diffrent location than usual. Because of this, exec_prefix and
udev_prefix cannot be used anymore. This presents a problem for LFS,
because we use exec_prefix in configure. Udev now provides the
--libdir, --with-rootlibdir, and --libexecdir options. So here is the
revised configure command for udev:

./configure --prefix=/usr \
--sysconfdir=/etc \
--sbindir=/sbin \
--libdir=/usr/lib \
--with-rootlibdir=/lib \
--libexecdir=/lib/udev \

Why --disable-extras? You'll see why below...

* Event processes get recycled after a event. This awesome stuff
reduces cpu load, and the amount of forks. Isn't that awesome?

* Udev now needs kernel >= 2.6.25, because it uses signalfd(), so if
your host system has kernel < 2.6.25, well...
  Also, the host system now needs inotify support for Udev to work.

* The Udev quere format has changed. /dev/.udev/quere doesn't exist
anymore. You now get the quere by running udevadm settle or through
the new library libudedv.

* Libudev is now finally stable!!!!!! That's a major milestone for Udev...

* Libudev now has it's own documentation. I think we should install
that too. A online version of the libudev docs is available here:

Also, the documentation is now build using gtk-doc, just so you know.

 * The Udev-extras git repo is now merged into udev starting with this
version. The extras, however, depend on these packages:

acl, glib2, libusb, usbutils >= 0.82 (I found this out the hard way,
as for those who haven't noticed, usbutils is still making new
releases.), pciutils, and gpref

These packages are all in BLFS (with a exception for acl), but, I
don't want to add all these packages to LFS. That's why I put
--disable-extras in my revised configure. I don't think the extras
include write_cd_rules and write_net_rules.

I had to send this email to lfs-dev because I can't use the Trac system.

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