
2008-10-28 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Has anyone already test a entire distro build with -mregparm=3? (Cross compiled problably) I know, it will broke the ABI. But I curious about testing it soon. -- Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. Sócio-Diretor Trenix - IT Solutions "Nossas Idéias, suas Soluções!" www.trenix.com.br [EMAIL

Re: glibc-2.8-20080929 build fails in Chapter 5

2008-10-15 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Em Wednesday 15 October 2008 16:42:37 Robert Connolly escreveu: > On Wednesday October 15 2008 03:15:31 pm Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. wrote: > > > --disable-libssp can be used again in the chroot when building gcc. > > > Everything in this library is included in Glibc-2.

Re: glibc-2.8-20080929 build fails in Chapter 5

2008-10-15 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
uded in Glibc-2.8, and libssp is just a > waste of space. Ok, but if you want this in your final system? I've been use stack-protection for a year with gcc-4.1.x and glibc-2.5.x in production and don't want to loose this now!!! :-( (note: glibc *is not* compiled with ssp in my h

Re: Udev Rules

2008-10-14 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Em Monday 13 October 2008 18:30:56 Gilles Espinasse escreveu: > - Original Message - > From: "Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > To: "LFS Developers Mailinglist" > Sent: Monday, October 13, 2008 9:05 PM > Subject: Re: Ude

Re: Udev Rules

2008-10-13 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
quot; for the basic devices must to be resonable, and we all make ours "udev-configs packages" to create a secure and organized /dev because these defaults are somewhat insecure or/and ugly. I always believe that /lib and /usr/lib are place to store modules, libraries, binary data a

Re: iana-etc with STRIP=yes

2008-10-07 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Em Tuesday 07 October 2008 14:45:16 Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. escreveu: > Em Tuesday 07 October 2008 13:18:03 Gilles Espinasse escreveu: > > Selon Randy McMurchy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: > > > Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. wrote: > > > > Not a major issue, but a rece

Re: iana-etc with STRIP=yes

2008-10-07 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
n the second > URL thread to have more numbers. > > I am unsure of the difference in real life but that can't be slower. > > Gilles Well, it will be somewhat faster. But like mentioned some peoples like to preserve the comments. Does it interesting to put

Re: iana-etc with STRIP=yes

2008-10-07 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Test with barf (75% of time from a non-stripped) Stripped real 0m0.358s user0m0.292s sys 0m0.064s No Stripped real0m0.481s user0m0.376s sys 0m0.100s -- Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. Sócio-Diretor Trenix - IT Solutions "Nossas Idéias, suas Soluções!" www.trenix.com.br [EMA

Re: iana-etc with STRIP=yes

2008-10-07 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
; do getent services http > /dev/null; done } real0m0.110s user0m0.024s sys 0m0.084s Stripped time { for ((n = 0; n < 100; n++)); do getent services http > /dev/null; done } real0m0.106s user0m0.020s sys 0m0.084s Low difference! :( -- Valter Dou

iana-etc with STRIP=yes

2008-10-07 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
Not a major issue, but a recent thread shows using the make STRIP=yes on iana-etc to cut out comments and accelerate the port search on port resolution. In the new LSF does anyone remember to put this on the book? -- Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. Sócio-Diretor Trenix - IT Solutions "N

Re: STRIP=yes on iana-etc-2.30

2008-08-06 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
s eyes and we don't see that. It's particularly usefull in Initramfs and embeded systems. -- Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr. Sócio-Diretor Trenix - IT Solutions "Nossas Idéias, suas Soluções!" www.trenix.com.br [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel. +55 19 3402.2957 Cel. +55 19 9183.4244 -- http:/

Iana Etc link

2008-08-02 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
I just clicked on Iana-Etc link from http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/lfs/view/development/chapter03/packages.html Actually it points to http://sethwklein.net/iana-etc/ And the correct link is: http://sethwklein.net/iana-etc (Note the wrong link have a / on end) -- Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr

Re: Package Management

2008-02-28 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
hen have information about > the installed programs or uninstall them if you desire. > > I'm not an expert about it, but if you don't already know it, you can > find more information here: > > http://www.gnu.org/software/sourceinstall/ > > Regards -- Valter Dou

Re: Happy Birthday LFS

2008-02-23 Thread Valter Douglas Lisbôa Jr.
On Saturday 23 February 2008 14:33:27 Gerard Beekmans wrote: > (Second sending. Mailman suffered a problem as I was sending this out. > It may have gone out more than once) > > Hey all, > > The LFS project is almost nine years old. LFS 1.0 was released on > December 16, 1999. That was the year I ha