On Saturday 23 February 2008 14:33:27 Gerard Beekmans wrote:
> (Second sending. Mailman suffered a problem as I was sending this out.
> It may have gone out more than once)
> Hey all,
> The LFS project is almost nine years old. LFS 1.0 was released on
> December 16, 1999. That was the year I had moved to Canada, before my
> immigration was even finalized. Earlier that year I started on the LFS
> project.
> The details are a bit fuzzy because I don't have accurate records dating
> that far back, but it all started some time in February of 1999.
> That makes LFS nine years old this month. It still boggles my mind some
> days that LFS grew into what it has.
> Ciao!
> Gerard

Wow, nine years, congratulations!!!

Without LFS I never could reach my actual knowledge step too. Long live to you 
and your project.

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