current index of the BLFS book. If there is interest, I can try to
hack up a quick version of this idea.
Robert Daniels
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T or PackageKit.
If LFS moves to package management, I think these kinds of higher level
tools would be great additions to BLFS, unless they also end up needing
to be integrated into the system from the outset.
In any case, this is exactly the kind of information we need for this
sort of w
tand the notion of the informed person
> clicking the "I know what I'm doing" checkbox, but I think the LSB is
> helping to make "Just Works" attainable for mere mortals.
I often forget the (extremely common) case of the average user. Thanks
for taking the t
s too dumb and/or lazy to read documentation to get
dependency information, and to protect vendors from spurious support
requests from said users. If that's at least part of the reasoning, I
think I might be beginning to understand.
Robert Daniels
simply goes to far. I see little need to go much further than the
POSIX specification and the FHS.
The FHS could do with some revision, but it at least tries to stay
Robert Daniels
FAQ: http://www.linuxfromscrat
ksba-1.0.3, and applying patches from debian to libksba,
and gnupg, but no luck. Also checked that this error also occurs in
Anyone else seeing this error? Or know how to fix it?
Robert Daniels
FAQ: http://www.linuxfroms
On Monday 03 March 2008 21:38:36 DJ Lucas wrote:
> Robert Daniels wrote:
> > Oops, wrote all that and forgot to actually attach the patch.
> >
> > Here it is.
> OK, a question for the KDE guys. The note about sysconfdir on the
> kdebase page (I know you didn
> [ ] Interferes with files described in DIY-linux
> [ ] Will clobber configuration files wen upgrading package versions
> [ ] Doesn't explain how to package software beyond BLFS
> [ ] Requires learning another language/syntax besides bash shell
> syntax [ ] Exis
way do we want to abandon our current target
audience, or LFS veterans. This would quickly spell death for the
So, all of a sudden, we have multiple target audiences, at very
different levels of experience. It will be a problem trying to come up
with a solution that will satisfy all of them, but I think it can be
Robert Daniels
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post where _I_ would
like to see the project go, and hope that my ideas are useful in some
form. ;)
> Feel free to correct any misconceptions i might have voiced - i'm
> fairly thick-skinned. ;)
> taipan
Robert Daniels
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Add in games later, or maybe media center
functions, or something like that. Probably throw in a module on
distribution / livecd's. I just forgot to list it up there. A lot of
this internally would be just a reorganization, so editing wouldn't
change too much.
Anyway, just anothe
further ideas?
> Sorry for the length, I hope it wasn't too much of a pain to read.
> --
> JH
In large part, I agree with what has been said. Another note on the PM,
it may be a good idea to only include one PM in the first version of
this new model, get things out the door. Then add support for other
PMs in later versions.
Robert Daniels
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point, it did constantly print out
warnings that my tar version was too new, don't know if this is still
true or not. In any case, we have several options to evaluate and see
what meets our needs best.
Robert Daniels
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Hello all,
Just a heads up that man-db-2.5.1 needs --sysconfdir=/etc to install its
config file in the proper place, otherwise it goes into /usr/etc.
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On Sunday 24 February 2008 12:50:17 am Aaron Matsumoto wrote:
> I've been a longtime LFS builder and would like to thank all of you
> for your support and great work.
> I was getting ready for a fresh build of the Development LFS (in
> preparation for some further work on [independent] OS coding)
> > It has recently been suggested to me that the LFS LiveCD project be
> > killed. The main arguments for this are, essentially:
> >
> > 1) It is currently unmaintained
> > 2) It removes the essential prerequisite of being able to configure
> > a Linux system
> > 3) It leads to less testing from o
Happy birthday to LFS!
This is a wonderful project, one of the two most important projects to
me (the other being KDE). This is really how I learned linux about 4
years ago. I tried a couple distros for about a month, and saw a lot
of potential, but there was always something that seemed wron
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