On Monday 03 March 2008 21:38:36 DJ Lucas wrote:
> Robert Daniels wrote:
> > Oops, wrote all that and forgot to actually attach the patch.
> >
> > Here it is.
> OK, a question for the KDE guys. The note about sysconfdir on the
> kdebase page (I know you didn't add it Robert), but what is the
> point? You either follow the book or you don't, right?.  Any
> objections to removing it?  It's redundant info, and it's just plain
> ugly having 3 notes like that on the visible screen.
> -- DJ Lucas

I think by this point users should be well aware of what --sysconfdir 
does.  I have no objection to removing it.

What I would really like to see is the KDE (and Gnome, if applicable) 
section set up the Xorg is.  In the preinstallation configuration 
section, set up a variable containing all the common switches.  Where 
Xorg has 

export XORG_CONFIG="--prefix=$XORG_PREFIX --sysconfdir=/etc \
    --mandir=$XORG_PREFIX/share/man --localstatedir=/var"

KDE would have

export KDE_CONFIG="--prefix=$KDE_PREFIX --sysconfdir=/etc/kde \
    --disable-debug --disable-dependency-tracking

Other necessary options could be then added to the configure line, like 
elsewhere in Xorg.  I'm aware that sysconfdir would be redundant for 
some parts of KDE, but it doesn't hurt anything and would simplify the 

Robert Daniels
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