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The last decision was that we would prepare for BLFS-6.5. I personally
have no interest in working towards a BLFS-6.5 release, but others may
differ. We could create a branch if there is still interest in
continuing along that goal, and now would be
On 26/06/10 13:57, Matthew Burgess wrote:
> I've just done a plain './configure' run here, with pcre installed, and
> it correctly detects the presence of the headers + libraries. So, I
> think the instructions to use '--disable-perl-regexp' are correct.
Indeed, you are correct. My deviations ar
Jean-Philippe MENGUAL wrote:
> Hi,
> A French user has just told me something on IRC, I'd like to share with
> you. In this section (cee subject), he doesn't agree, for Linux Kernel
> package description, with "This package is the operating system". He
> explains Linux Kernel is not the system i
On Sat, 26 Jun 2010 11:52:16 +0100, Andrew Benton wrote:
> In chapter 5 the grep page says to use the option --disable-perl-regexp
> to ensure that the grep program does not get linked against a Perl
> Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library that may be present on the
> host.
> In my experien
A French user has just told me something on IRC, I'd like to share with
you. In this section (cee subject), he doesn't agree, for Linux Kernel
package description, with "This package is the operating system". He
explains Linux Kernel is not the system itself. I think he's right.
That's why I s
In chapter 5 the grep page says to use the option --disable-perl-regexp
to ensure that the grep program does not get linked against a Perl
Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) library that may be present on the
In my experience, grep has to be told to link against libpcre with