Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Ryan Oliver
On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 14:36 -0800, Dan Nicholson wrote: > On 1/27/06, Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > > > > > Our longtime Toolchain Maintainer, Ryan Oliver, still prefers to use > > this method. > > Um, the decision might be mad

Re: Redundancy in ncurses installation

2006-01-28 Thread Alexander E. Patrakov
Chris Staub wrote: I reinstalled ncurses over itself successfully. I'm not sure what you want me to "verify" - should I have seen an error? I wanted you to verify that is in /lib and has the right size (several hundred kilobytes), that there is a symlink /lib/libncursesw.s

Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Ryan Oliver
On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 08:32 -0800, Dan Nicholson wrote: > On 1/27/06, Greg Schafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > Ever looked at a build log of GCC itself? Guess what? -B. > > /tools/src/build/gcc-build/gcc/xgcc -B/tools/src/build/gcc-build/gcc/ > -B/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ -B/usr/i686-pc-linux

Re: Redundancy in ncurses installation

2006-01-28 Thread Chris Staub
Alexander E. Patrakov wrote: Chris Staub wrote: The Chapter 6 ncurses instructions in the LFS dev book have this construction: for lib in curses ncurses form panel menu ; do \ rm -vf /usr/lib/lib${lib}.so ; \ echo "INPUT(-l${lib}w)" >/usr/lib/lib${lib}.so ; \ ln -sfv l

Re: Redundancy in ncurses installation

2006-01-28 Thread Alexander E. Patrakov
Chris Staub wrote: The Chapter 6 ncurses instructions in the LFS dev book have this construction: for lib in curses ncurses form panel menu ; do \ rm -vf /usr/lib/lib${lib}.so ; \ echo "INPUT(-l${lib}w)" >/usr/lib/lib${lib}.so ; \ ln -sfv lib${lib}w.a /usr/lib/lib${lib}

Re: Readline installation - linking against ncurses

2006-01-28 Thread Chris Staub
Chris Staub wrote: Any particular reason why readline can't be told to link directly against the ncursesw libs, as opposed to the "ncurses" libs which simply point to ncursesw? Oh, nevermind, it actually does find the ncursesw libs (was just looking at the "make" line in the book and didn't b

Redundancy in ncurses installation

2006-01-28 Thread Chris Staub
The Chapter 6 ncurses instructions in the LFS dev book have this construction: for lib in curses ncurses form panel menu ; do \ rm -vf /usr/lib/lib${lib}.so ; \ echo "INPUT(-l${lib}w)" >/usr/lib/lib${lib}.so ; \ ln -sfv lib${lib}w.a /usr/lib/lib${lib}.a ; \ done That "rm

Readline installation - linking against ncurses

2006-01-28 Thread Chris Staub
Any particular reason why readline can't be told to link directly against the ncursesw libs, as opposed to the "ncurses" libs which simply point to ncursesw? -- FAQ: Unsubscribe: See the above information p

Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Ryan Oliver
On Sat, 2006-01-28 at 13:07 +1100, Greg Schafer wrote: > Jeremy Huntwork wrote: > > > Isn't using -B to find libraries an abuse as well? > > Huh? Using a documented switch for a documented purpose? > RTFM :-) > The purpose of the -B flag is to override GCC_EXEC_PREFIX, the path the gcc driver u

New toolchain adjustment/sanity check problem

2006-01-28 Thread Chris Staub
The Chapter 6 GCC instructions suggest running the sanity check in the "Readjusting the toolchain" section after reinstalling GCC. However, if you just follow the instructions as they are, it will "fail". Before you install GCC into /usr, the check for "/usr/lib/crt.*" will work, but after you

Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Dan Nicholson
On 1/27/06, Jeremy Huntwork <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > > Our longtime Toolchain Maintainer, Ryan Oliver, still prefers to use > this method. Um, the decision might be made for us: Spec

Re: x86_64

2006-01-28 Thread Lionel Lagarde
[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote: Lionel Lagarde wrote: Hi all. I have just bought a new pc and I want to install Linux there by following the lfs book. Someone has already managed to compile lfs on a amd64 system ? If so, from what os ? I'm using a x86_64 fedora core 4 and I ca

Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Dan Nicholson
On 1/27/06, Greg Schafer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Ever looked at a build log of GCC itself? Guess what? -B. /tools/src/build/gcc-build/gcc/xgcc -B/tools/src/build/gcc-build/gcc/ -B/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/bin/ -B/usr/i686-pc-linux-gnu/lib/ ... Seems gcc thinks it's OK to search for libraries wi

Re: Alphabetical UTF-8 Build is ICA Verified

2006-01-28 Thread Dan Nicholson
On 1/27/06, Ken Moffat <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > > > I haven't been running the testsuites, but I'm doing that now to make > > sure that their dependencies are met. > > Good man! As has already been seen with perl and db, and I think a > locale for coreutils tests, ICA analysis is different f

Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Jeremy Huntwork
Matthew Burgess wrote: > In the interests of getting this issue off your/our plates I'd say we > choose whatever method is most suited to LFS as it is now. That is, > whichever works on x86 native compilations and is officially > supported/documented upstream. Yes, I understand people's desires t

Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Alexander E. Patrakov
Greg Schafer wrote: IMHO multilib is quite complicated. I cannot say anything authoritative about it because I personally haven't had a need for it and therefore haven't researched or tested it. That'll change if someone sends me an AMD64 box :-) Get a free (but slow) x86_64 box either from h

Re: Re-adding *startfile_prefix_spec

2006-01-28 Thread Matthew Burgess
Jeremy Huntwork wrote: Obviously '-B' works for you, and obviously, Ryan's methods work for him. Is there a 'best for LFS' in all of that? In the interests of getting this issue off your/our plates I'd say we choose whatever method is most suited to LFS as it is now. That is, whichever work