Il 26/03/2017 23:11, C Western via Lazarus ha scritto:
Expr.pas(78,12) Fatal: Can't find unit Expr used by FormGrid
I believe that many problems of this kind could be solved at the root if
the fpc error message was not as misleading as it is currently.
The error message lets you believe that
Il 22/03/2017 14:19, LacaK via Lazarus ha scritto:
If not, is there possibility to create same application for Raspberi
Pi - ARM - Linux ?
(Target OS=Linux, Target CPU=Arm ? ... can I crosscompile from
Linux/i386 to Linux/Arm ?)
Well, I can't swear about Linux/i386, but I'm doing it without an
Il 23/04/2017 12:14, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus ha scritto:
I don't think the dialog needs to be changed to begin with,
We have a summary on the left, and details on the right.
If you just need to check what has to be fixed you look to the list box,
while if you want to verify the pr
Hi all,
I have no experience at all on deploying Lazarus app for Windows,
because up to now I have always addressed to Linux platform. The few
Now I need to deploy an application for Windows, which requires not only
the executable, but also some auxiliary files. It would be nice to p
Il 28/04/2017 00:55, Leonardo M. Ramé via Lazarus ha scritto:
I remember using these:
Many thanks to you and to Ondrej.
Lazarus mailing list
Il 28/04/2017 07:11, LacaK via Lazarus ha scritto:
If you need installer in Microsoft Installation Package format (*.msi)
then you can look at WiX toolset: and WixEdit:
Thanks again to everybody. I'll investigate what is more suita
I had tried in remote times to activate the "use external gdb debug
symbols file" option, and it didn't work properly, so I forgot about it.
But some time ago I tried again, and now it turns out to work perfectly,
at least under Linux.
Wouldn't it be nice to set it active by default?
This cou
Il 20/05/2017 13:20, Bart via Lazarus ha scritto:
External debug symbols file?
No, please.
Lazarus mailing list
Il 20/05/2017 14:04, Bart via Lazarus ha scritto:
On 5/20/17, Giuliano Colla via Lazarus wrote:
External debug symbols file?
No, please.
1. I regularly deploy applications with debug info.
2. There are reports (or at least I remeber seeing them) that
antivirus programs tend to barf
Il 26/05/2017 23:14, Bo Berglund via Lazarus ha scritto:
On Sat, 20 May 2017 12:24:01 +0200, Giuliano Colla via Lazarus
...would stop the complaints about "long executable".
How about strip -s as a post-compile step before shipping?
That way you erase the debug symbols.
Il 29/06/2017 12:46, Lars via Lazarus ha scritto:
Please explain what the reanimation department is:
- the ability to revive a dead non animated person
- the department that takes slow moving people and animates them again
at a good pace
- reincarnation (possible Dutch/English translation bug: a
I have stumbled into what appears to me to be a compiler error,
but before I post in the fpc list, I'd like to get expert advice.
I have an application already in use since many years, which uses
a thread to handle a serial line. I don't know if that second
thread i
Il 23/10/2017 21:33, Sven Barth via Lazarus ha scritto:
How do you pass the SendMessage() method to your thread? And how does
the code look that calls it?
The SendMessage() method belongs to the main thread only, and is
supposed to execute only in the main thread context.
It fills up a buffe
Il 23/10/2017 22:57, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus ha scritto:
Check if 'Self' inside SendMessage is the right instance.
Yes, you're right, that's what clarifies the issue. When it works, Self
is a TFORM1 object, when it fails, Self is just Nil.
But now it's also clear why this happens.
Il 24/10/2017 14:10, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus ha scritto:
A valid method can never be stored in a pointer, since the former is
actually 2 pointers (method/data) and the latter is just 1 pointer.
That the assignment is valid is Delphi compatible: only the procedure
address is copied.
Il 24/10/2017 14:15, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus ha scritto:
On Tue, 24 Oct 2017 13:56:43 +0200
Giuliano Colla via Lazarus wrote:
Now the catch is that the queue used is just a queue of pointers, while
here we're dealing with procedures of object. This is legal with Delphi
Il 24/10/2017 17:04, Sven Barth via Lazarus ha scritto:
@NextProc := Coda.Remove;
Sending := True;
with NextProc defined as a procedure of object does compile but
it's wrong.
Why are you using an @ when you assign the NextProc variable? O.o
Because it's
Il 24/10/2017 23:18, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus ha scritto:
It simply works by accident in Delphi, because you are calling a
method of the same object as the caller. Try calling a method of
another object, and displaying the classname and make sure you trash
the registers between the assig
Il 25/10/2017 10:49, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus ha scritto:
Furthermore, "Format('0x%P',[@Myself])" doesn't make sense - it should
be "Format('0x%P',[Pointer(Myself)])".
With @Myself I get the address of the object, with Pointer(Myself) I get
the address of the pointer to the object.
Il 25/10/2017 13:41, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus ha scritto:
No. The Delphi syntax is "ProcIdentifier:=Proc" or
The "@Some:=" means assign something to address of Some. Which is bogus.
I guess Delphi's auto dereference actually translates this to
@Some^:=. Still bogus,
Il 25/10/2017 14:17, Sven Barth via Lazarus ha scritto:
1) The syntax @ProcIdentifier := whatever is no more valid. It's
no more possible to assign a pointer to a method type without
Probably for good reason.
You're right. It was misleading. I was misled.
Il 25/10/2017 14:20, Sven Barth via Lazarus ha scritto:
Did you test with a procedure pointer type or a method pointer type?
Cause this might be the important difference here as the example uses
a procedure pointer type.
I tested assigning an untyped pointer to a method pointer type, because
Il 25/10/2017 17:15, Sven Barth ha scritto:
That's not what I asked. The documentation used a procedure pointer
type, thus the documentation would still be correct if it works as the
allowed usage of a method pointer type in past versions would then
indeed have been a bug in Delphi.
In Delph
Il 27/10/2017 14:26, Marcos Douglas B. Santos via Lazarus ha scritto:
I would like to propose a discussion about "What is the relevance of
Object Pascal nowadays".
I don't want waste your time. I just want to know if we are growing
and being more relevant or not.
I use Object Pascal (mostly FPC,
Il 28/10/2017 02:42, Luiz Americo Pereira Camara via Lazarus ha scritto:
I have similar issue. I'm looking for third party companies to
accelerate development of my current app (used in production by around
200 people a day) and they all say that is obsolete technology and
will not find progra
Il 28/10/2017 16:45, Marcos Douglas B. Santos via Lazarus ha scritto:
Do you have problems to find new Pascal programmers?
Experienced Pascal programmers are hard to find here in Italy.
But we've found that a good young programmer (usually trained in C)
usually appreciates the beauty of Pascal
Il 25/10/2017 14:12, Giuliano Colla via Lazarus ha scritto:
I raised some noise about procedural variables in Delphi mode, but it
turns out that I had failed to notice some discrepancies while porting
code back and forth from Delphi to Lazarus.
I had failed to notice that RAD Studio
I have a family of application which must support the change of language
on the fly. This we're doing since a lot of time, and everything works
just fine.
Now I face the problem of providing support also for right to left
languages, such as Arabic.
Application.BidiMode can be set true or fal
Just a test to see if server is still alive
Lazarus mailing list
Il 01/12/2017 08:01, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus ha scritto:
And your last 3 words is the most important part - "if done right". In
my 20+ years of using Delphi, I can count of one hand how many company
products I've seen "done right" using the RAD style approach. And I've
worked at plenty of
Il 10/12/2017 11:45, zeljko via Lazarus ha scritto:
No way, in that case we must split Translators, Developers etc
...there's simply no point to touch contributions.txt.
Of all the things that can be done to improve Lazarus and fpc, I believe
that contribution.txt ranks in a very low plac
This snippet of code, which executes as expected with GTK2 WS, fails
with QT WS:
procedure TForm1.btnWsizeClick(Sender: TObject);
var aHandle: THandle;
aWidth,aHeight: Integer;
aRect: TRect;
aHandle:= Form1.Handle;
if GetWindowSize(aHandle,aWidth,aHeight) then begin
Il 15/12/2017 18:30, zeljko ha scritto:
It's bug in your code (range error). You're using aHandle:
System.THandle (longint) instead of LCLIntf.THandle which is of
ptruint type.
Best and correct usage would be to use HWND type which is what it
needs to be on all platforms and widgetsets.
When aH
Sorry, this is almost OT, but I don't know where else to ask.
While checking an application, I found a strange problem: under Windows
WS when TTrackbar Orientation is trVertical, it doesn't behave properly
under Wine. The widget size is correct, but Tick Marks and bar movement
behave following
> Il giorno 22 dic 2017, alle ore 14:02, zeljko via Lazarus
> ha scritto:
>> On 12/22/2017 01:26 PM, Vojtěch Čihák via Lazarus wrote:
>> I can confirm behavior in Wine. When you change trVertical to trHorizotal -
>> everything OK. But oppositely, trackbar calculates with new width and OLD
Il 30/12/2017 12:54, Bo Berglund via Lazarus ha scritto:
Because the server I use is located in Austin, Tx and I am in Sweden.
Have to use a VPN, which is not fast at all.
In that case you might consider:
1) To use git in place of svn. It is unbelievably fas
I seldom use launching applications from a terminal window, so I
happened to notice only recently what appears to me to be a regression
from older Lazarus versions.
In the Run Parameters window, selecting "Use launching application"
currently disables "Command line parameters" (Lazarus 1.6, 1.
Il 05/02/2018 16:01, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus ha scritto:
No, it's not needed if no extra resolutions are stored. I'll check if
it can be omitted (it's a manually added entry and not a normal
property). If not, I'll add an ignore entry for 1.8.2.
In the past undefined properties were silen
Il 18/02/2018 00:59, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus ha scritto:
Now comes the BIG question... Does LCL have a reference
implementation? Which LCL widgetset gives the correct behaviour and
feature list, that the other LCL widgetsets need to follow or mimic?
IMHO that's impossible to achieve.
Il 18/02/2018 11:09, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus ha scritto:
On 18.02.2018 0:59, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus wrote:
Now comes the BIG question... Does LCL have a reference implementation?
Yes, it does. It is Delphi.
That's not true, as far as events triggering is concerned.
Delphi impleme
Il 18/02/2018 11:54, Ondrej Pokorny ha scritto:
What events are generated?
Lazarus mailing list
Il 18/02/2018 19:42, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus ha scritto:
Do you mean TForm.OnPaint?
Yes, sorry for the typo.
Lazarus mailing list
Il 18/02/2018 19:06, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus ha scritto:
Are there any defined tests or test projects that can confirm
LCL-Win32 is compatible with Delphi's VCL? I'm talking about events,
order of events firing.
I hope that nobody will spend time which could be used for constructive
Il 22/02/2018 01:23, Paola Bruccoleri via Lazarus ha scritto:
Hello everyone In the company where we work, we use the ADS database
(advantage database server) version 11.1 I have downloaded version 1.8
of lazarus. Is there any component for that database? I would like to
be able to migrate sof
Il 25/02/2018 20:52, Carlos E. R. via Lazarus ha scritto:
I want to translate a little Linux C program (600 lines) to pascal (so
that I can then add my parts in comfort). I failed to find a good
automated tool in Linux. I had a look here:
Did you consider h2pas (which comes with fpc/Lazarus)
Il 26/02/2018 03:51, Carlos E. R. via Lazarus ha scritto:
Ah! I didn't realize it could translate the declarations on a .c file,
I thought it was only for .h files.
I just had a quick test, but... I'll have to read on it, the quick test
Well actually it is only for .h files, but as .
Il 05/03/2018 09:41, Lubos Pintes via Lazarus ha scritto:
Hello and thank. And in general, if I have a TControl instance, can
you tell me a reliable algorithm that tells me if the control has a
By definition, the focused control is the control which receives
keyboard input.
That's wh
Il 01/03/2018 23:44, Chavoux Luyt via Lazarus ha scritto:
I suppose there is some kind of magic involved that makes it work when
recompiling the IDE with the new packages, but I would like to
understand what.
The magic is performed by Lazarus IDE, and by startlazarus.
If Lazarus IDE detects t
Il 09/03/2018 10:14, Gabor Boros via Lazarus ha scritto:
Any idea how to detect what/where is the source of the exception?
I use Linux 64bit, FPC 3.0.4 and Lazarus fixes_1_8.
To obtain meaningful information from gdb I do the following:
1) Compile both Lazarus LCL and fpc with debug info
Il 13/04/2018 02:40, Donald Ziesig via Lazarus ha scritto:
You're right. It gets *close* but not quite there. I can move the
control so long as the mouse is *not* over the control while it is
moving :-(. I will look at this closer in the morning and see if I can
work around it (or if there i
Il 21/04/2018 18:07, Vojtěch Čihák via Lazarus ha scritto:
@ MyBitmap := Image1.Picture.Bitmap;
This line only copies pointer, but Image1.Picture.Bitmap belongs to
Image1 and it should care itself.
That's what I had guessed, but this means that there's a patent
inconsistency, as shown in
Il 22/04/2018 13:49, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus ha scritto:
Do you really mean that
Image1.Picture.Bitmap.SomeProperty := SomeValue;
should apply SomeProperty := SomeValue on a copied object of Bitmap
and produce a memory leak?
No, I mean that like
Image1.Picture.Bitmap := SomeBitmap;
Il 22/04/2018 13:22, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus ha scritto:
This is how all properties that are TPersistent descendents work, so
behaviour should not come as a surprise.
I wouldn't say so.
E.g. TCanvas is a TPersistent descendent, but the Canvas property of a
TCustomControl is de
Il 22/04/2018 17:39, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus ha scritto:
And what to do with
W := Image1.Picture.BItmap.Width?
You're right, there's no easy way out.
The original sin has been maybe to call Bitmap a TPicture property which
isn't really a TBitmap, as the GetBitmap and SetBitmap methods
Il 25/04/2018 06:12, Ondrej Pokorny via Lazarus ha scritto:
2.) Use FPC graphics classes/functions without the LCL overhead.
Where are they located?
Lazarus mailing list
Il 25/04/2018 13:05, Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus ha scritto:
Where are they located?
Thanks to you and to Ondrej.
Lazarus mailing list
Hi all,
before starting from scratch, and falling in the same pitfalls someone
else has already learned how to avoid, is there anyone who's already
successfully managed to use the Qt WS on Rasbian for a Rapberry PI 3?
Thanks in advance for any hint.
Il 02/05/2018 20:52, Mark Morgan Lloyd via Lazarus ha scritto:
When you say "WS" what specifically do you mean?
I was meaning compiling (or cross-compiling from) and running Lazarus
applications using the Qt widgetset. From your reply I gather that
you've been successful with Qt designer, an
Il 07/05/2018 16:54, Gabor Boros via
Lazarus ha scritto:
Hi All,
My main development toolset is FPC 3.0.4 and Lazarus fixes_1_8.
Sometimes I try some things with Lazarus trunk also. It is easy.
But now build up a new development machi
Il 09/05/2018 12:34, Joost van der Sluis via Lazarus ha scritto:
That's more a hack then a solution
I fail to grasp why startlazarus should be a feature, and should
be a hack.
Having multiple fpc.cfg files, as it may be required by multiple fpc
installations requires invoking the com
Il 09/09/2018 13:33, Bo Berglund via
Lazarus ha scritto:
I am writing a testing application for checking out a TCP to Serial
bridge component. I am using Lazarus 1.8.0 and fpc 3.0.4 on Windows 7
For the serial port handling I found the "built-in" Serial unit
Il 10/09/2018 17:30, Bo Berglund via Lazarus ha scritto:
This seems only to deal with ports 1..9, what about the higher
numbered ports 10..255?
And would it not be a long execution time for testing all 255 possible
com ports on Windows?
In my experience both Linux and Windows if you connect a ne
Il 10/09/2018 17:30, Bo Berglund via Lazarus ha scritto:
Unfortunately not possible in the real case because the file transfer
protocol of the device only sends a header with the count of the data
to follow and then streams all of the bytes
I don't know how your application is built, but if
Il 10/09/2018 17:30, Bo Berglund via Lazarus ha scritto:
I hope that it helps.
Yes it does, but it would have been even better if not full of HTML
tags and stuff. I have edited out most but I guess there are some
still left...
For example inside the code there may be some things like > rather
Hi Lazarus experts,
I have noticed a number of apparent inconsistencies which make life a
bit complicate if you need to play with visual properties of LCL components.
If you need a different canvas brush, you need to change a button glyph,
or to dynamically change a TImage (just to make a few
Easy way to check:
Launch the script using a different locale. E. G. :
If successful it is a matter of localization.
If it fails, a matter of environment, such as missing binutils, or something of
this kind.
Inviato da iPhone
> Il giorno 22 nov 2018, alle ore 12:
Il 21/12/2018 19:15, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus ha scritto:
If we decide on using a crowdfunding platform, I would rather go for
one of the sites mentioned here:
Given the amount of funds raised and the number of projects involved, I
believe that a simple grid in an html page, showing t
Il 04/01/2019 12:08, Florian Klämpfl via lazarus ha scritto:
Is there any possibility that lazarus auto stores the current session
(project file, source files, session information etc.) every s?
Background is that I am starting another trial to use linux as desktop
system but within in a
Il 04/01/2019 14:27, Florian Klämpfl via lazarus ha scritto:
If there had been one (seems Ubuntu and derivatives removed
hibernation (!!, remember, we are in 2018, not 1998) in 18.04, I
didn't ask about this feature.
With a good distro I didn't mean Ubuntu, which is the opposite of what a
Il 23/01/2019 15:49, Luca Olivetti via lazarus ha scritto:
This isn't strictly a lazarus issue, but my google fu is failing me.
It turns out that windows 10 with a touch screen hides the mouse
cursor, so Screen.Cursor=crHourGlass does nothing.
Did you try taking advantage of such Windows API
Il 24/01/2019 14:34, Sven Barth via lazarus ha scritto:
No, Windows 10 hides the cursor if no input device (mouse, touchpad)
besides a touchscreen is detected. Cause in that case a cursor "makes
no sense". Note: this does not mean I agree with that, only that
Microsoft thinks that.
Just for
Il 24/01/2019 21:42, Luca Olivetti via lazarus ha scritto:
@Giuliano, in my case it just manages the UI, but I didn't decide the OS.
That's the reason why, some decades ago, tired of being conditioned by
technical decisions taken by non-technical people, me and two other guys
with a similar
Il 24/01/2019 20:52, Sven Barth via lazarus ha scritto:
I take it those are resistive touch screens? For those calibration is
sometimes necessary (especially older ones as you said). For
capacitive touch panels (be it smartphone or tablet) I haven't found
the need for that.
Yes they are. In
Il 02/11/2019 11:26, Karl-Michael Schindler via lazarus ha scritto:
I am working on the package description for lazarus for MacPorts and are
struggling with the following: $PREFIX/share/lazarus contains the source code
as well as the compiled units. In case lazarus is recompiled the directory
Il 20/11/2019 19:19, R Smith via lazarus ha scritto:
The problem I've run into is a simple program (made in Lazarus) where
I use floating point constants. It compiles and runs perfectly on
Windows, but when cross-compiling for Linux, it fails for specific
floating point values.
I realise imm
Il 24/11/2019 01:17, Sven Barth via lazarus ha scritto:
There is the plan to add software floating point support for Extended
to the compiler for platforms like Win64, but it's not a trivial
Maybe a silly question, but wouldn't it much simpler to have the
compiler not use the Exte
Il 24/11/2019 11:48, Florian Klämpfl via lazarus ha scritto:
What to do with extended constants and their handling in the compiler
if the target platform has it but the target platform does not support
Maybe an AND condition? Use extended type only if both platforms support it?
Il 24/11/2019 10:08, Bo Berglund via lazarus ha scritto:
Since I never ever created an environment for cross-compiling on
Lazarus I really need a simple to follow byt full description on how
to accomplish the task. Is it even possible for RPi?
I can't help you as far as Windows is concerned, b
Hi folks,
I've been stuck for a long time to lazarus 1.8 in order to maintain
installed applications. Now, before starting a new development I tried
to upgrade to 2.0.8 but lazarus rebuild to install my custom packages
fails. Platform is Linux, OS is CentOs 6.
The error reported after the us
Il 07/05/2020 13:55, Bo Berglund via lazarus ha scritto:
I would not "upgrade" an installation, rather I would install a new
version along side of the existing one.
And I always install fpc/lazarus inside of the home dir instead of
using a global installation.
I just gave a quick information. I
Il 08/05/2020 15:17, Bo Berglund via lazarus ha scritto:
So whatever you do, do*not* copy the entire config dir to a new name
and use it with the new Lazarus!!!
Instead create a new*empty* dir to use instead and if needed copy the
editoroptions.xml file and perhaps some other settings file you
Il 13/10/2016 16:48, Reimar Grabowski via Lazarus ha scritto:
If you want modern, teach them Java and let the programs run on their phones or
keep doing console programs and do the GUI in JS (aka web applications). ^^
I find very unlikely that civil, environmental and bio engineers will
Il 14/10/2016 11:10, Dennis via Lazarus ha scritto:
I have a program written in lazarus running normally in windows 7.
When run in windows 10, the green color of the Frame/Form is changed
by Windows 10 to white.
My best suggestion is to encourage your customer to downgrade to Windows 7.
Il 19/11/2016 11:40, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus ha scritto:
On 2016-11-19 03:25, Terry A. Haimann via Lazarus wrote:
> What version of Lazarus can connect to MySQL 5.7 using TSqlConnector?
Technically it's got nothing to do with the Lazaru
Il 21/11/2016 10:33, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus ha scritto:
It is pretty straight forward to create a new "registered component"
line in the Lazarus packages [SqlDBLaz], which in turn will register a
icon/component in Lazarus's component palette.
Actually it took me almost a full quarter of a
Sorry, the link below is broken.
This is the good one:
Il 22/11/2016 01:37, Giuliano Colla ha scritto:
I cannot contribute the patch right now because I didn't make it on an
SVN version, but whoever is interested can get a patched version of
Il 27/12/2016 12:26, Chavoux Luyt via Lazarus ha scritto:
I wrote a small program for Linux in a previous version of Lazarus
which compiled and ran without problems before. I have now updated to
fpc 3.0.0 and Lazarus 1.6 (backports version for Debian X86_64
Jessie). The code still compil
Il 27/12/2016 17:49, Juha Manninen via Lazarus ha scritto:
Somebody with good knowledge of the graphics code should fix it. I
remember I tried over 2 years ago but failed.
Just adding a line to GetFormImage does the trick:
function TForm1.GetFormImage: TBitmap;
ARect: TRect;
Il 06/01/2017 13:40, Bart via Lazarus ha scritto:
And needless to say that the ICT department has forbidden me to use
this program, because "it is not a commercial progra, and therefore
there is no offical support for it, and unsupported programs cannot be
installed on our system".
I think it w
Hi folks,
I just installed Lazarus (2.2.4) on my new MacBook pro 16", which runs
the Ventura Os. Everything is ok, except the debugger. I followed the
instructions on the wiki page, selected the LLDB debugger, but both with
"Enable Dwarf 3 (-gw3)" and "Enable Dwarf2 with sets" the debugger
debugger window not being
hidden behind the editor window, but I'll sort it out, I hope!
Il 12/11/2022 22:00, Giuliano Colla via lazarus ha scritto:
Hi folks,
I just installed Lazarus (2.2.4) on my new MacBook pro 16", which runs
the Ventura Os. Everything is ok, except the d
I tried to install QT5 version 5.6.2 on my Mac, following the wiki
instructions but installation fails.
qmake executes properly and generates a Makefile, but make fails with
this error message:
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code
Il 25/11/2022 21:58, zeljko ha scritto:
On 25. 11. 2022. 19:29, Giuliano Colla via lazarus wrote:
I tried to install QT5 version 5.6.2 on my Mac, following the wiki
instructions but installation fails.
qmake executes properly and generates a Makefile, but make fails with
this error
Il 26/11/22 09:20, zeljko ha scritto:
On 25. 11. 2022. 23:01, Giuliano Colla wrote:
Il 25/11/2022 21:58, zeljko ha scritto:
On 25. 11. 2022. 19:29, Giuliano Colla via lazarus wrote:
I tried to install QT5 version 5.6.2 on my Mac, following the wiki
instructions but installation fails
Il 28/11/22 11:31, Bo Berglund via lazarus ha scritto:
I haved a debugging tool program created on Windows and I am orting it to Linux
It seems to build just fine except for a combobox fill function which uses the
Windows way of populating the selectoer box with the serial ports available
Il 28/11/22 14:08, Bo Berglund via lazarus ha scritto:
On Mon, 28 Nov 2022 13:31:12 +0100, Giuliano Colla via lazarus
Hope that it helps,
Thanks, it does.
I had thought of this but it looked like an overly complicated way given that
the list of tty* ports using ls -l /dev/tty* on my
Inviato da iPhone
> Il giorno 28 nov 2022, alle ore 17:00, Bo Berglund via lazarus
> ha scritto:
> On Mon, 28 Nov 2022 14:48:20 +0100, Giuliano Colla via lazarus
> wrote:
>> /dev/tty* is pretty much useless. It's there for historical reasons.
>> /dev
Il 29/11/2022 11:52, wkitty42--- via lazarus ha scritto:
would you believe you asked almost this very same question back in
2015, 2018, 2020, and here again in 2022 :)
Do not do to others as you would have them do to you.They might have different
Il 28/11/2022 08:18, zeljko ha scritto:
On 27. 11. 2022. 23:47, Giuliano Colla wrote:
Il 26/11/22 09:20, zeljko ha scritto:
On 25. 11. 2022. 23:01, Giuliano Colla wrote:
Il 25/11/2022 21:58, zeljko ha scritto:
On 25. 11. 2022. 19:29, Giuliano Colla via lazarus wrote:
I tried to
Il 09/02/23 14:37, Bo Berglund via lazarus ha scritto:
On Thu, 9 Feb 2023 11:50:25 +0100, John Landmesser via lazarus
git clone lazarus
So I have found that this is a path forward:
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