I can't login
Warning: implode(): Invalid arguments passed in
hybridauth_additional_info_form_submit() (line 557 of
Also, a very few languages available, there isn't galician for a try
2014-11-14 20:33 GMT+01
Me too,
I'm feeling so fisherman.. string by string
2016-12-05 7:39 GMT+01:00 Cheng-Chia Tseng :
> Valter Mura 於 2016年12月5日 週一 上午2:37寫道:
>> Il 04/12/2016 18:04, Giovanni Caligaris ha scritto:
>> > Anyone having the same issue?
>> >
>> > I can bearly do any work.
>> >
>> > -Gio
>> >
>> Hi
2018-05-04 19:02 GMT+02:00 Sophie :
> Hi László,
> Le 03/05/2018 à 18:57, Németh László a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> LibreOffice 6.1 will support “spell out” numbering styles of OOXML (One,
>> Two...; First, Second..., 1st, 2nd...),
>> as you can see in the following screen cast (only English, French and
I would like to request an official Galician mailing list
(gl) for the l10n translations as soon as possible.
My community is waiting for going up on LibO in this early hour for
the project.
Antón Méixome
Galician coordination of OOo.org
E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org
Hi Sophie and all,
Galician list
> Note that we will need moderators for these lists. If you're language
> is not there and you need dedicated list, just rise your hand for the
> next turn :)
I offers me as moderator for dedicated galician list but it's no available yet.
One hour ago, I alread
Hi André
Thanks for your job. I'm testing this new versión of Pootle doing some
fixes over.
Can you setup my account (meixome) for leadership on Galician language (gl).
I was coordinating Pootle on OOo.og, and I am the Pootle translator too.
Other members on my community is waiting for to do job o
All ok Rimas,
2010/11/26 Rimas Kudelis :
> Hi all,
> sorry for the delay. I've just updated the Pootle files from git. Hopefully
> this didn't drop any existing translations, but in case it did, please raise
> your hand.
> This update added one string (My AutoText) to the localization
I'm experiencing a horrible performance in Pootle since a couple of days.
Is not possible only affects me
- strings not translated but I can't access to them
- upload de .po is too slow (more than 2 minutos for 45KB)
- fatal performance of navegation
... Please,
Server error!
At this moment :-(
Pootle: Install
Error: "(1040, 'Too many connections')" while attempting to access the
Pootle database, will try to initialize database.
2011/4/12 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi *,
> On Tue, Apr 12, 2011 at 4:06 PM, Andras Timar wrot
Server error!
The server encountered an internal error and was unable to complete
your request.
Error message:
Premature end of script headers: wsgi.py
If you think this is a server error, please contact the webmaster.
Error 500
Wed Apr 13 18:07:41 2011
sible that diff and
mess functions in .po overload the server.
2011/4/13 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi Anton,
> Thanks, for reporting, Christian is currently evaluating what might happen
> with the database.
> Kind regards
> Sophie
> On 13/04/2011 19:13, Anton Meixome wr
2011/4/13 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi Anton, *,
> On Wed, Apr 13, 2011 at 6:41 PM, Anton Meixome wrote:
>> Sorry Christian, my english is not fluent and that's reason for not
>> comment in retaill the problems.
>> Perhaps Friedel can help more here. I
Hi, Christian and *
Pootle seems down since some hours
The window time for translations is missing and security for job is
being evanescent
Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
Galician community OOo.org & LibO
Friedel, dev of Translate Toolkit and relatives said few days ago when
he is announcing TTK 1.9.0 on his dev maillist
Pootle will regenerate all statistics with the new Translate Toolkit
installed. More information about the quality checks is here:
Hi *,
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 7:55 PM, Anton Meixome wrote:
>> Pootle seems down since some hours
> Just to let you know - this time virtualbox VM did freeze/slow down to
> a crawl, as if it would run on a 1Hz processor or something. I suspect
> it has to do wit
Why some languages has a .err and .log files? other as galician not.
Is for different checks?
I have arrange it at galician.
@Olivier, about problem with styles. We also had this problem (in
spanish translation, there is too). I send a link, in hope give a
Is this string correct? Is very strange
LibreOffice 3.4.x – UI » instsetoo_native / inc_openoffice / windows /
error text goes here error text goes here error text goes here error
text goes here error text goes her
Also fixed in gl (Galician). Thanks, Andras
Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
Galician community OOo.org & LibO
http://blog.openoffice.gl // http://blog.libreoffice.gl
Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org
Posting guidelines + more:
Pootle is not available from 2-3 hours
Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
Galician community OOo.org & LibO
http://blog.openoffice.gl // http://blog.libreoffice.gl
Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org
Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.document
The Pootle server still does not respond appropriately to any
operation. Is there anyone out there to investigate?
2011/4/26 Anton Meixome :
> Pootle is not available from 2-3 hours
> --
> Antón Méixome - Blog about Galician Office Suite
> Galician community
2011/4/26 Christian Lohmaier :
> Hi *,
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 10:10 PM, Rūdolfs Mazurs
> wrote:
>> Works for me. Is it still an issue?
> Well - yes and no. The VM is rebooted, works fine again, but it was
> the same problem as last time, i.e. the VM slows down to a crawl, as
> it would run
I confirm too. This build can save and export.
But, I can't understando de keys. They appears as hexadecimal non
decimal. Is different from
http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/KeyID_Build. Now it's hard
Also, which is the howto for find a string with these string keyids ?
Really would be very
Ahá, Ok Andras,
I was thinking in Pootle.
2011/4/27 Andras Timar :
> 2011/4/27 Anton Meixome :
>> But, I can't understando de keys. They appears as hexadecimal non
>> decimal. Is different from
>> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/KeyID_Build. Now it's h
Thanx Andras,
gl fixed.
The only one problem was untraceable
Log was indicating a missing tag for closure but... this was not the answer.
I had recopy the original string (identical) from source to xmltags
pass the check
> You had instead of . I don't know how it looked like in
> Pootle. In the po file it was visible.
Oh, yes, surely I had tired eyes :-)
> Best regards,
> Andras
> --
> Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to l10n+h...@libreoffice.org
> Posting guidelines + more: http://wiki.documentfoundatio
Hi Andras,
I understand your position. I think that the Oracle movement means
they want put code out of GPL for a hipotetical future developpement
(propietary, of course).
This and too that they perhaps want split the developpers community
atracting corporative interest to an OOo supported by Apac
2011/6/10 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi all,
> I'm in the process to port the documentation files linked to the help files
> (for an example, see this link [1]). May be it should be better to upload it
> on the help files wiki more than on the documentation part one.
> What do you think about it?
I thin
24 hours, more or less
2011/11/29 Andras Timar :
> Hi Olivier,
> 2011/11/29 Olivier Hallot :
>> So, it appears (IMHO) the search is done in a sort of data cache, but the
>> matches are taken from the database. Lokks like a synch is missing there.
>> Could it be?
> Yes, I'm sure that gene
Enhorabuena y bienvenido a todo el equipo aragonés de parte de mi y
del equipo gallego, que nos reunimos en Trasno
Yo también me sumo al interés por ese proceso de automatización porque
en todas partes tenemos carencia de manpower :-).
Si me permitís también me sumo a ese correo privado.
Un saludo
Perhaps due to an update I have no more rights for to administrate
some projects in Pootle.
Can anybody checks?
LibreOffice 3.5.x – UI
I get the below message:
Permiso denegado
Non ten permisos aquí para acceder a este proxecto
2011/12/8 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> 2011/12/8 Anton Meixome :
>> Hi,
>> Perhaps due to an update I have no more rights for to administrate
>> some projects in Pootle.
>> Can anybody checks?
> Can you check it again? I may have sol
For Galician localization
2012/3/2 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi all,
> This is a quick poll on QA done by your team on the builds in your language,
> please take 5 mn to answer:
> - Are you doing manual tests on the builds?
> . on the RC only?
> . using Litmus?
> - Are you
I have found in
(Apologize me because I don't know how retrieve the exact general code
reference in Pootle
In this string where survive important references about Oracle
This error repor
I think this maybe other error in UI 3.5
This Evaluation Version has expired. To find out more about %PRODUCTNAME,\n
visit http://www.oracle.com/us/products/applications/open-office.
2012/4/15 Andras Timar :
> Hi Sveinn,
> 2012/4/15 Sveinn í Felli :
>> Þann lau 14.apr 2012 10:52, skrifaði Andras Timar:
>>> Hi,
>>> Andreas Mantke asked me to put main page of Extension site
>>> (http://extensions.libreoffice.org/) in Pootle. It is in the Website
>>> project. Please trans
2012/5/2 Valter Mura :
> 2012/4/29 Andras Timar
>> 2012/4/29 Hossein Noorikhah :
>> > Hi,
>> > Please see this:
>> >
>> https://translations.documentfoundation.org/fa/extensions/translate.html?unitstates=fuzzy,untranslated
>> > There are a lot of empty strings there. Why?
>> Because those .pr
2012/5/3 Andras Timar :
> Hi,
> Please read this blog post:
> http://translate.org.za/blogs/dwayne/en/content/better-faster-more-lovely-pootle-thanks-mozilla
> Let's discuss, if we, the LibreOffice l10n community have feature or
> bugfix requests. If they fit within Mozilla's scope then with ou
2012/6/4 Petr Mladek :
> Hi,
> please note that the feature freeze and commit deadline for 3.6.0-beta1
> is today, July 4, 2012.
> The plan is to create the libreoffice-3-6 branch on Tuesday. Then we
> will make sure that it is buildable and usable and create the beta1 tag
> on that branch. It
Hi Andras,
Where is "in Pootle" the templates?
Can somebody activate in Pootle the galician translation for templates?
2012/12/20 Andras Timar
> Hi,
> I updated LibreOffice 4.0 templates in Pootle and I ran
> update_from_templates for all languages. There are 268 new/modified
> words. All ch
each file there isn't nothing !
2012/12/20 Andras Timar
> On 2012.12.20. 21:44, Anton Meixome wrote:
> > Hi Andras,
> > Where is "in Pootle" the templates?
> >
> > Can somebody activate in Pootle the galician translation for templates?
> >
I have tested the UI from v 4.0 (RC3) on Ubuntu and Windows I am noticed
about some lost in translation, here and there. Perhaps 7 ou 8 strings.
I suspect that It's common for all languages. I have checked galician
interface. I think that the exportación process from Pootle is the problem
With so many recent reports of strings in Pootle not showing up to
> translators during translation process should be a warning - this is
> something that needs to be addressed IMHO.
> Lp, m.
> 2013/2/4 Anton Meixome :
> > Hi,
> >
> > I have tested the UI from
lated in Galician. I checked what I downloaded from Pootle on
> 2013-01-27, and these strings were not translated there, either. Now I
> see that they are translated in Pootle. Did you translate them in
> between?
> Best regards,
> Andras
> On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 at 1
Hi Thorsten,
Here goes the galician translation.
A problem may be in Google Play. There i'not a galician option for select.
(Google ... grrr)
I'm sure this will be the same for many others cultures and languages.
Obteña de balde o aplicativo
> There's of course also the scenario of a locale you cannot select on any
> OS but which has a LO localisation. Like Oromo, Kashmiri or Bodo which I
> cannot find in the locales on offer in Windows 7 but which have LO
> localizations.
It's a more general situation than the people here are cons
I want remember to update over F-Droid repo. A month ago, there was a
process in queue for make available de IRC there.
This repo is open to all languages and it's commiting with FOSS. I have
made the galician t
I suspect we (galician) have a bug in Calc
If I have a list of data in a text file items as
19 Abr, 2013
21 Abr, 2013
20 Mai, 2013
6 Xuñ, 2013
8 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
26 Ago, 2013
22 Set, 2013
1 Xan, 2014
23 Xan, 2014
27 Xan, 2014
31 Xan, 2014
14 Feb, 2014
15 Mar, 2014
11 Mai, 2014
, etc.
Calc can change correctly between formats because the source data went
correctly recognized.
> 2013/5/7 Anton Meixome
>> I suspect we (galician) have a bug in Calc
>> If I have a list of data in a text file items as
>> 19 A
2013/5/8 Anton Meixome :
> 2013/5/7 Sérgio Marques :
>> Hi Anton
>> I´m from Portuguese team. Can You explain me how to reproduce this? I can´t
>> do it.
>> If I Copy/paste the results are the same:
>> 19 Abr, 2013
>> 21 Abr, 201
Thanks Sérgio and Sophie.
The bug is not depending OS nor recent version.
I have fill a bug.
2013/5/8 Sophie Gautier :
> Hi Anton,
> On 07/05/2013 21:57, Anton Meixome wrote:
>> I suspect we (galician) have a bug in Calc
>> If I have a list of data in a text file ite
thanx Andras for this check, galician arranged.
It's a bit strange because I remember I have fix it long time ago
(talking about translation for «title / heading» names)
2013/8/19 Andras Timar :
> I uploaded 4.0 report, too:
> http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/l10n/error-report/report-4.0.txt
> Af
2013/8/27 Sophie :
> Hi all,
> Florian Reisinger has developed a Windows installer which performs a
> parallel installation of LibreOffice on Windows without using the command
> line. This is really useful for Windows testers or even for those who use
> several versions.
> You can find more infor
thanks a lot to all!
> Cheers
> Sophie
> Le 27/08/2013 14:28, Anton Meixome a écrit :
>> 2013/8/27 Sophie :
>>> Hi all,
>>> Florian Reisinger has developed a Windows installer which performs a
>>> parallel installat
2013/8/28 Olivier Hallot :
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi Andras
> I am a bit surprised to see
> ERROR: Style name translations must be unique in:
> /home/timar/libreoffice-master/translations/source/pt-BR/sw/source/ui/utlui.po
> Language: pt-BR
> Duplicated translatio
Can you setup galician too?
You know, Google Play Store is not available on my language but others
with free software and more cultural sensibility, have
it. Google Spain (Madrid) is blocking service in galician, since years)
My hope ... I'm talking f-droid repository
2013/11/18 Andra
2013/11/18 Joan Montané :
> Hi all,
> 2013/11/18 Anton Meixome
>> Andras,
>> Can you setup galician too?
>> You know, Google Play Store is not available on my language but others
>> with free software and more cultural sensibility, have
Remove the old TM from
2014-11-05 11:04 GMT+01:00 Christian Kühl :
> Hi Sophie!
> Am 05.11.2014 um 10:17 schrieb Sophie:
>> So for those who would like to see their old TM removed from Pootle,
>> please answer this message with your language code in it :) Thanks!
> German (de) is u
57 matches
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