5.9.2023 13:51 hodź. sophi napisa:
Hi sophi,
thank you for your reply.
I talk with Cloph about your issue, but he doesn't see from where it
could come. He didn't touch the template last week and there is no error
message he can see.
If you meet again the issue, could you point us to the exac
Hi Michael,
Le 06/09/2023 à 15:52, Michael Wolf a écrit :
5.9.2023 13:51 hodź. sophi napisa:
Hi sophi,
thank you for your reply.
I talk with Cloph about your issue, but he doesn't see from where it
could come. He didn't touch the template last week and there is no
error message he can see.
my apology for doing this on your list. I was asking on your IRC
channel. In short: I'm looking for a translation in exotic languages of
a small 100 word text.
This request is related to an Open Source project named Back In Time
[1]. Everyone there works voluntarily and unpaid.
The id
6.9.2023 16:01 hodź. sophi napisa:
Hi sophi,
5.9.2023 13:51 hodź. sophi napisa:
Thanks, do you have the link to the string so we can have a look to the
log? And if you translate it again do you have the message again or is
it saved normally?
Here is a string where I had this issue:
Hi Michael,
Le 06/09/2023 à 17:02, Michael Wolf a écrit :
6.9.2023 16:01 hodź. sophi napisa:
Hi sophi,
5.9.2023 13:51 hodź. sophi napisa:
Thanks, do you have the link to the string so we can have a look to
the log? And if you translate it again do you have the message again
or is it saved
6.9.2023 17:18 hodź. sophi napisa:
Ok, thanks a lot, I'll pass all this information to Cloph so he has some
hints to investigate.
Thanks sophi for you help.
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Still a question: Is any time limit defined for translation of a string?
You surely know, sometimes a coffee is more important than a translation
string. :-)
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