Hi Michael,
Le 06/09/2023 à 15:52, Michael Wolf a écrit :

5.9.2023 13:51 hodź. sophi napisa:

Hi sophi,

thank you for your reply.

I talk with Cloph about your issue, but he doesn't see from where it could come. He didn't touch the template last week and there is no error message he can see. If you meet again the issue, could you point us to the exact string so we can search in the log if something appeared. Also give the exact message you get in Weblate and was it for Upper Sorbian?

The issue cropped up again. I have the exact error message now (I usually see it in German):

"The source string has changed meanwhile. Please check your changes."
Thanks, do you have the link to the string so we can have a look to the log? And if you translate it again do you have the message again or is it saved normally?

Weblate jumped one string or more strings forward then. When returning, the first of the untranslated string is the string that I've just translated and that was not saved,the input box is empty again then.

Yes, it was for Upper Sorbian and maybe also for Lower Sorbian. I don't know anymore. I translate the projects alternately, first into Upper Sorbian, then into Lower Sorbian.

ok, thanks.

Does any one else experienced this issue?


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