Hi Ilmari,
thank you for the hint, I did not know about such tool.
I've tested it and it does not work as you write. If I manually add
numbered paragraphs, I get there a "Numbering" issue, not "Fakes" issue.
So I tried to add an unordered list using "-" hoping to get "Fakes", but
I did not get
That kind of use of the word feels singularly
inappropriate in the modernworld.
Likely to cause confusion, even indignation.
I mean, how come your program calls my manual
numbering 'fake'?? It is 'unautomated'
numbering, certainly, but 'fake'?
Isn't this taking a bit too much on ourselves?
I would call it "imitation" or "simulated"/"simulation", it just
imitates/simulates the "proper" numbering.
In the days of OOo every new feature needed first a confirmed design
document where even the UI-mock-up was presented.
Now we just code - and take care of the UI-repercussions later.
And as