Hi Ilmari,
thank you for the hint, I did not know about such tool.
I've tested it and it does not work as you write. If I manually add
numbered paragraphs, I get there a "Numbering" issue, not "Fakes" issue.
So I tried to add an unordered list using "-" hoping to get "Fakes", but
I did not get any issue.
"Fakes", however, is a possibility in a11ycheckissuespanel.ui, so there
must be a different reason - perhaps one should check directly the LO
code to see.
Maybe that this feature is unfinished yet and it will improve later
On 25.08.23 14:08, Ilmari Lauhakangas wrote:
On 25.8.2023 15.03, Milos Sramek wrote:
does anybody know what is "Fakes" and where to find it in the GUI?
Accessibility checker:
'Check for fake/manual numbering (not using integrated numbering). For
example writing "1." "2." "3." at the beginning of the paragraphs.'
email: sramek.mi...@gmail.com, jabber: milos.sra...@jabber.sk
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