Hi Ming,
Le 13/01/2020 à 23:30, Ming Hua a écrit :
> Hi Martin,
> Sorry I wasn't clear in my original mail, I meant for this string change to
> happen for 6.4.1, not 6.4.0. Although it would be nice to get it done before
> 6.4.0 official release, the time is just too tight and it wouldn't be
V V tor., 14. jan. 2020 ob 09:24 je oseba sophi
> I guess there is enough time for 6.4.1 to translate the string. Would
> that be ok for you too Martin?
Sure. Just let us know when the string lands in code.
Lp, m.
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I'm unable to access translation memory in Weblate: the Machine Translation
tab is empty and the Translation Memory tab shows 'The request for machine
translation has failed: error:'. Is this a known problem? Is it only for
Bulgarian, or also for other languages?
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