Hi Ming,
Le 13/01/2020 à 23:30, Ming Hua a écrit :
> Hi Martin,
> Sorry I wasn't clear in my original mail, I meant for this string change to 
> happen for 6.4.1, not 6.4.0.  Although it would be nice to get it done before 
> 6.4.0 official release, the time is just too tight and it wouldn't be fair to 
> translation teams that aim at 100% coverage.

Thanks for letting us know and for your work! I understand that this new
feature should have a UI clear enough to be used correctly
> The way LO git repository works, 6.4.0 is currently not on 6-4 branch 
> anymore, but on its own 6-4-0 branch (though I don't know the details how 
> weblate syncs the strings from and to the repository).  What I'm proposing is 
> to backport the renaming patch sometime after 6.4.0 is released, likely end 
> of January, then leave enough time for translators to work on it before 6.4.1 
> is released at the end of February.  Presumably the users willing to adopt 
> new releases early will be less bothered by such string changes.

I guess there is enough time for 6.4.1 to translate the string. Would
that be ok for you too Martin?
> I will definitely coordinate with all the people affected and announce the 
> timing of the backport on this list.
Thanks :)

Sophie Gautier sophie.gaut...@documentfoundation.org
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