Dear Sophie and l10n teams,
I am writing to ask for approval of backporting a patch to 6-4 branch that
breaks string freeze. The patch is about a new feature in 6.4,
"Full-sheet preview/export" in Calc [1], specifically about how it's is shown
in the "PDF Options" export dialog.
Recently th
Hi Ming,
there are some l10n teams working out of Weblate (like Slovenian), so if
this string freeze gets accepted, please do post here this fact.
If it gets approved, we must deliver translations into Weblate or code
repository by January 20, to get it into RC3 (planned for Week 4 , Jan 20,
Hi Martin,
Sorry I wasn't clear in my original mail, I meant for this string change to
happen for 6.4.1, not 6.4.0. Although it would be nice to get it done before
6.4.0 official release, the time is just too tight and it wouldn't be fair to
translation teams that aim at 100% coverage.
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