Dear Sophie and l10n teams,

I am writing to ask for approval of backporting a patch to 6-4 branch that 
breaks string freeze.  The patch is about a new feature in 6.4, 
"Full-sheet preview/export" in Calc [1], specifically about how it's is shown 
in the "PDF Options" export dialog.

Recently there was a bug report (#129714, [2]) that asks for changing the 
current wording "Full-sheet previews" as the feature also covers exporting to 
PDF, and describing it as "previews" may be misleading.  After discussion 
the wording change to "Whole sheet export" has been decided and the patch was 
applied to git master on January 11th.

Since this is a new feature in 6.4, I feel first introducing it one way and 
then changing the name right next release would be a disservice to users.  
So I propose to backport it (just the renaming patch, the feature is already in 
6.4) to 6-4 branch and have it consistent from 6.4.1 release and on.

Of course this breaks the string freeze, and a cursory search on Weblate [3] 
shows the string (translation tag 2o29R) has been translated to 27 
languages.  So I'm asking these teams to approve this late request, since 
you need to translate the new string for the next release sooner or later 
anyway.  Meanwhile, languages that haven't translated it yet can avoid a 
bit of extra work.


P.S.: I can't find the procedure for  string freeze break described on wiki, so 
I'm just writing to this list.  If there are more people (documentation 
team?) that I should ask, please let me know.

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