Found a string in Help that is badly composited:
"This function is available since %PRODUCTNAME
This will be followed by the version number, but this is not clear when
Additionally, why doesn't the translatable string include the version
number placeholder? It should!
The string
Can somebody using Asian or complex UI verify in LibO 6.4.0RC1 if Progress
template has now better rendering with correct font sizes?
See https://bugs.documentfoundation.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114746
If it works for Progress template, I will extend this patch to other templates.
Many thanks i
HI Mihkel
I tried to be a smart guy and save work to myself (I'm a translator) but
my smartness isn't working... :-)
I separated the text from the version number, and apparently it is not a
To fix, I'll have to repeat "This function is available since
%PRODUCTNAME " for every release n
Olivier Hallot () kirjutas 31.12.2019 kell
> HI Mihkel
> I tried to be a smart guy and save work to myself (I'm a translator) but
> my smartness isn't working... :-)
These kinds of things tend to work for the "Standard Average European"
languages - but not some (many) others :)
E.g. in
Actually, I broke the rule of not splitting sentences into pieces, which
is a bad practice translation-wise. My bad.
%PRODUCTVERSION is a dynamic string that is updated each release, so it
doesn't serve to the purpose.
Em 31/12/2019 15:52, Mihkel Tõnnov escreveu:
> Not a big deal indeed - but