HI Mihkel

I tried to be a smart guy and save work to myself (I'm a translator) but
my smartness isn't working... :-)

I separated the text from the version number, and apparently it is not a

To fix, I'll have to repeat "This function is available since
%PRODUCTNAME " for every release number (20 times), as shown in the
source file:


to let translator place the version number where they want in the
sentence. Not a big deal, given translation memory.

Thanks for pointing it. Fix is coming next year.

Kind regards

Em 31/12/2019 10:48, Mihkel Tõnnov escreveu:
> Hi,
> Found a string in Help that is badly composited:
> "<variable id="release">This function is available since %PRODUCTNAME
> </variable>"
> This will be followed by the version number, but this is not clear when
> translating.
> Additionally, why doesn't the translatable string include the version
> number placeholder? It should!
> The string appears to have been introduced in 6.3, still present in 6.4 and
> master.
> Best regards,
> Mihkel
> Estonian translator

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