I forgot to mention, this issue affects old, already translated strings.
"LET" has been recently changed to "ZEZWALAJ" in Master, but in
libo_ui-24-8-formulamessages-pl.po it's still msgstr "LET".
Hi, Everyone!
Propagated strings are only getting translated in Weblate's UI, but not in
the PO files. Updating Weblate to the latest stable version may fix this
Adam Rak
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Hi *,
On Wed, Feb 12, 2025 at 7:24 PM Kolbjørn Stuestøl
> In LibreOffice UI - master and LibreOffice Help - master there are som
> new functions (DROP, EXPAND, WRAPCOLS etc.)
Ideally when finding stuff that's new, also worth checking weather it
already is added to the releaseNotes of th