Hi Tom
I suggest that the prompt be made more helpful, including that the
warning can be ignored if the extensions are different or the user wants
to replace the file with a new version. I leave the wording to someone
who knows all the ins and outs.
On 29/05/13 02:13, Tom Dav
I uploaded the new templates, you can click on "Update against
templates" in LibreOffice 4.1 UI project (help did not change). This
update has the typo fixes you reported.
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У уто, 28. 05 2013. у 13:42 +0100, Michael Bauer пише:
> On the whole, I think the whole access key thing needs a more coherent,
> automated approach. Or at least a codekey attached to each UI string in
> the test builds you you can *easily* identify the string that needs fixing.
This is not som
I think you misunderstood me. As a one-man team running over two dozen
l10n projects for my locale, I simply don't have to time to randomly
browse around the LO UI and then spend 30 minutes trying to figure out
which incidence of "Edit" has the wrong access key, then wait for a
Hi all,
there have been created the libreoffice-4-0-4 branch. It will be used
for fine tuning of the 4.0.4 release.
The following rules apply:
+ preferably just translation or blocker fixes
+ only cherry-picking from libreoffice-4-0 branch
+ 2 additional reviews needed; 2
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:28 PM, Mihovil Stanic
> I feel your pain. :)
> I'm coming from Mozilla L10n in which you have access keys as a separate
> strings to LO in which there is 3 different ways to mark access keys. I'm
> not against marking access keys inside strings, but PLEASE decide
On Tue, May 28, 2013 at 1:21 PM, Michael Bauer wrote:
> And as LO expands, it will only get worse.
This is a problem, but LO expands slowly, so you can always sort out
these issues by one of the bugfix releases.
> We sort of had this debate before and I believe the upshot was that if you
> leav
Hi Michael, Mihovil, all,
On 28/05/2013 13:28, Mihovil Stanic wrote:
> Dana 28.5.2013. 13:21, Michael Bauer je napisao:
>> I'm officially throwing the towel on the hotkeys. Or are they access
>> keys? Whatever... the scope is impossible to tell, some use ~ some use
>> & and as of 4.0.1 we now al
Dana 28.5.2013. 13:21, Michael Bauer je napisao:
I'm officially throwing the towel on the hotkeys. Or are they access
keys? Whatever... the scope is impossible to tell, some use ~ some use
& and as of 4.0.1 we now also have underscore. Apart from messing with
my TM, I also end up with the unpa
I'm officially throwing the towel on the hotkeys. Or are they access
keys? Whatever... the scope is impossible to tell, some use ~ some use &
and as of 4.0.1 we now also have underscore. Apart from messing with my
TM, I also end up with the unpalatable choice of either totally ignoring
Hi, Sophie
On 27/05/13 18:11, Sophie Gautier wrote:
Hi Donald,
On 27/05/2013 01:50, Donald Rogers wrote:
Hi everyone
Could someone please explain how and where to upload the User Guides ODT
and PDF files for languages other than English? How is it that the files
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