If I understand correctly, the handle is there already (Tools -> Options
-> Language Settings). It's just that Ubuntu has removed it in their
build. Or am I wrong?
2013.01.18 02:52, Michael Bauer rašė:
LOL no, you're all missing mine. I get it that it was something Ubuntu
broke. But the
LOL no, you're all missing mine. I get it that it was something Ubuntu
broke. But the point I'm trying to make is that it's something that LO
needs to get a handle on internally *anyway*, sooner or later. So why
not now?
17/01/2013 22:21, sgrìobh Rimas Kudelis:
Hi Michael,
I think y
Hi Michael,
I think you missed Jean-Baptiste's point. If I'm reading correctly, his
point was that Ubuntu has effectively broken the functionality that we
already have in place (ability to change the UI/help language).
2013.01.18 00:18, Michael Bauer write:
> I understand that. But that
I understand that. But that approach ties LO into a process whereby it's
at the whim of the ability or willingness of someone else to change/fix
*their* system. In the case of Ubuntu, that's doable of course. But if
such an issues arises in Windows, OSX, Android or some other proprietary
Le 17/01/2013 21:27, Michael Bauer a écrit :
> Maybe in the short term but in the long term, a LO internal solution
> will be needed ANYWAY. Why? Because if LO is really going to make the
> leap to tablets/mobile devices, it will either mean enabling such a
> feature or it will mean consciousl
Maybe in the short term but in the long term, a LO internal solution
will be needed ANYWAY. Why? Because if LO is really going to make the
leap to tablets/mobile devices, it will either mean enabling such a
feature or it will mean consciously leaving behind any locale which is
not available as
Hi, Tom,
we are discussing how to solve this bug that makes localized
LibreOffice perform substandard compared to all other OS:
2013/1/17 Tom Davies :
> Hi :)
> Sorry. It's not a problem.
Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail
Hi :)
Ahh cool!! That looks nice. I think it's likely to attract people more when
there is an element of game-playing visualisations involved. It's easy to see
which languages are winning!
I have sent links to 2 of my colleagues to see if they are inspired to try to
win for their language.
Hi Tom, and thanks for a heads-up!
2013.01.17 19:45, Tom Davies wrote:
> Ubuntu translators have found a tool that has sped up their translation work
> quite significantly and made it easier. I was wondering if people here might
> find it helps with LibreOffice translations. I don't know thoug
Hi :)
Sorry. It's not a problem.
Ubuntu translators have found a tool that has sped up their translation work
quite significantly and made it easier. I was wondering if people here might
find it helps with LibreOffice translations. I don't know though. Maybe you
are already using it or so
not sure what all the fuss is about, and i'm not even using Ubuntu, but
if the problem is that under Ubuntu, language-pack-xx does not
automatically install libreoffice-help-xx-yy, then here's how I think
the problem could be solved without investing too much sweat into it:
a) submit a patch
HI :)
Ouch!! Sorry! Please ignore my previous email and if you get a response from
the LibreOffice subscription place then please just delete that too (unless you
want to join in the fun there too) and please accept my apologies. That was
really embarrasing, sorry.
Apols and regards from
In a way, user-wise most of such infrastructure is already there - we
have the extensions and extension manager. The extension manager
should maybe be more user-friendly in the part of offering language
packs, templates etc., but that is not necessary in the first phase.
Probably it would be possi
How about what I (and some other folk) have suggested all along, some
internal function within LO that allows the end user to change the
UI/Help language by retrieving the required langpacks? It would solve
all these issues of some external bug/feature overring consumer choice.
It would also so
Hi all,
On 17/01/2013 14:06, Michael Bauer wrote:
> Hi Sophie,
> 17/01/2013 12:59, sgrìobh Sophie Gautier:
>> Well, I'm only trying to find a solution that could be best for our
> I know you work hard to that end but at the same time, we all know how
> easy it is slipping into assumptions about
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 4:43 AM, Adolfo Jayme Barrientos
> I don’t think this is the appopriate list to dump you rant into.
> --
> Adolfo
Where else would a LibreOfffice localizer register a complaint about a
LibreOffiec L10n issue (albeit with a downstream distro package of
that L10n)?
Hi Sophie,
17/01/2013 12:59, sgrìobh Sophie Gautier:
Well, I'm only trying to find a solution that could be best for our
I know you work hard to that end but at the same time, we all know how
easy it is slipping into assumptions about other people :)
Ubuntu users and our l10n team (and by the
Hi Michael,
On 17/01/2013 13:34, Michael Bauer wrote:
> That's a really bold assumption. I'm not stupid when it comes to
> computers but I've honestly given up trying to get Ubuntu to give me
> stuff in the language I want. I either have to switch the OS locale and
> UI to that language, which swit
That's a really bold assumption. I'm not stupid when it comes to
computers but I've honestly given up trying to get Ubuntu to give me
stuff in the language I want. I either have to switch the OS locale and
UI to that language, which switches a lot of stuff, not all of which I
might want in anot
Hi Martin,
On 17/01/2013 09:55, Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> Hi,
> because of this Ubuntu packaging bug that Bjorn Michaelsen even
> recently downgraded from high to low:
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-defaults-it/+bug/957589
> Localized LibreOffice on Ubuntu makes substandard impression on
I think it is. I translate 100 % the help and on Ubuntu users think
that help is not localized -> translators are lazy. Can you rework
into something substandard and keep its name?
Same goes with your localization, but obviously you do not care.
Lp, m.
2013/1/17 Adolfo Jayme Barrientos :
> I don’
I don’t think this is the appopriate list to dump you rant into.
Unsubscribe instructions: E-mail to l10n+h...@global.libreoffice.org
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because of this Ubuntu packaging bug that Bjorn Michaelsen even
recently downgraded from high to low:
Localized LibreOffice on Ubuntu makes substandard impression on
non-English users. It requires additional hacking without any notice
are there any ideas about missing msgids from
There is a list of missing items from Calc / Tools / Customize:
.uno:PasteOnly; .uno:PastOnlyFormula; .uno:PasteOnlyText; .uno:PasteOnlyValue
.uno:ClorScaleDialog; .uno:Dat
Hi Goran,
4.0 RC2 - 2013-01-20
4.0 RC3 (final?) - 2013-01-27
On Thu, Jan 17, 2013 at 2:44 AM, Goran Rakic wrote:
> On Mon, January 14, 2013 17:32, Andras Timar wrote:
>> Hi,
>> @Martin, @Goran:
>> http://dev-www.libreoffice.org/l10n/latest-pot/libreoffice-4.0-en-US-
The Swedish (sv) translation.
{{OrigLang|Välkommen till {{ProductName}} Hjälp!}}
Tack för att du använder
[https://sv.libreoffice.org/ladda-ner-libreoffice/ {{ProductName}}]
programhjälp. När du behöver hjälp i {{ProductName}} trycker du på
tangenten F1 för att komma till denna sida. Du kan ä
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