2010/11/9 Martin Srebotnjak :
> Yes, Andras, it is an issue. We translated the string, but it is hard-coded
> in that specific dialog in English. In all language versions, AFAIK.
OK, then we have two issues.
1. This string is not translated in most languages. Currently only sl
and hu have localize
Yes, Andras, it is an issue. We translated the string, but it is hard-coded
in that specific dialog in English. In all language versions, AFAIK.
I should look it up in the interface and make a screenshot for you.
Lp, m.
2010/11/9 Andras Timar
> 2010/11/9 Martin Srebotnjak :
> > Hello,
> >
> >
Hi Andras,
2010/11/9 Andras Timar :
> It's not an issue in your language (Slovenian), is it? I see it
> translated as "Moje samobesedilo" in
> extras/source/autotext/lang/sl/mytexts.bau.
> If other teams want this localized, file a bug, provide the
> translation for "My Autotexts" and assign it to
2010/11/9 Rimas Kudelis :
> Talking about this, would it perhaps be possible to license oficial builds
> differently than source code? Instead of telling the user to agree to a
> source license, we could probably present them with a short, understandable
> and localized EULA.
LGPL is not an EULA
2010/11/9 Martin Srebotnjak :
> Hello,
> is there a way to fix this bug that Hamburg was ignoring all the time:
> http://qa.openoffice.org/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=66304
It's not an issue in your language (Slovenian), is it? I see it
translated as "Moje samobesedilo" in
2010.11.09 11:29, Andrea Pescetti rašė:
Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
Also, could we please get a localized license file for localized LO (OOo
didn't want it either)? Just can't find a bug, it was probably closed as
"will never happen".
Actually, it was not OOo; it was, and still is, the Free Softwa
Martin Srebotnjak wrote:
> Also, could we please get a localized license file for localized LO (OOo
> didn't want it either)? Just can't find a bug, it was probably closed as
> "will never happen".
Actually, it was not OOo; it was, and still is, the Free Software
Foundation. http://www.gnu.org/lic
is there a way to fix this bug that Hamburg was ignoring all the time:
Also, could we please get a localized license file for localized LO (OOo
didn't want it either)? Just can't find a bug, it was probably closed as
"will never happen"