Hello Andras,
I used this command (translate toolkit) to get the sdf file from my po
folder :
po2oo -l br -t en-US.sdf --nofuzzy po br_FR.sdf
I tried without the template option and this error :
po2oo: warning: Couldn't handle input file
filter/source/config/fragments/internalgraphicfilters.po: do
Hi Denis,
2010.11.05. 8:08 keltezéssel, Drouizig írta:
> Here is a new breton translation file (mostly correction)
> http://drouizig.org/images/stories/meziantaou/openoffice/pakadaou/br_FR.sdf
What exactly did you send us? Corrections only? It also contains en-US
strings, too. It cannot be commit
2010.11.06. 14:07 keltezéssel, Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai írta:
> Dear Translator Commnity,
> Are you interested to translate extensions that could be enabled via
> LibO build environment? I created a workflow to convert properties files
> to po then back. Lets discuss the possibilities and if you are
Hi Kálmán,
2010.11.08 14:03, Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai rašė:
For our extensions I have created a workflow to translate extensions'
dialog. To achieve this I created two scripts to convert files to PO
then convert back the translated files. Are we interested in such
workflow to make extensions availab
For our extensions I have created a workflow to translate extensions'
dialog. To achieve this I created two scripts to convert files to PO
then convert back the translated files. Are we interested in such
workflow to make extensions available to all supported languages? I
would be glad to help
2010.11.08 11:45, Andre Schnabel rašė:
Von: Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai
Gesendet: 06.11.10 14:07 Uhr
Are you interested to translate extensions that could be enabled via
LibO build environment? I created a workflow to convert properties files
to po then back. Lets discuss the possibilities and if
2010/11/8 Andre Schnabel
> - you publish your scripts
> - extension developers use your scripts to create po files
> - extension developers can then get an own project at our trasnaltion
> server
> (we need to have a look, how templates can be handeled at pootle)
> - extension developers upload
> Von: Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai
> Gesendet: 06.11.10 14:07 Uhr
> Are you interested to translate extensions that could be enabled via
> LibO build environment? I created a workflow to convert properties files
> to po then back. Lets discuss the possibilities and if you are commited
> to trans