KR> Strobe power supplies

2010-03-01 Thread
The 'pet-peeve' is one of the funniest write-ups I have ever read! I burst out laughing & startled the dickens out of my bride! Thank you!

KR> Strobe power supplies

2010-03-01 Thread
Jack Cooper wrote: > I was wondering where others have mounted their power supplies for the > strobes Jack, I have had good luck with the location that I choose for my Kuntzlman strobes as can be seen in the 9th picture down of this link The one thing that

KR> Strobe power supplies

2010-02-28 Thread Mark Langford
Jack Cooper wrote: > I was wondering where others have mounted their power sulpplies for the > strobes I haven't mounted mine yet, but did a good bit of research and have wiring run already (the breaker's even hooked up and the connectors are installed) to the wingtip, just as you say. My pla

KR> Strobe power supplies

2010-02-28 Thread jack.cooper2009
I was wondering where others have mounted their power sulpplies for the strobes. I have a set of aeroflash as seen at  . I think its best to locate the power supply near the strobe to cut down on interference so  I'm thinking of

KR>Strobe power supplies

2008-10-12 Thread Colin
Netters, I have an Aeroflash single flash 3 way Nav/Strobe/Position light assembly. It contains 2 individual strobe power supplies. I am wondering if it would cause problems mounting the power supplies in the first bay of the wings themselves, and then sealing the rib back up? This position put